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Posts posted by saralynn518

  1. This will be the ONLY email notice of this mission.

    Do not reply to this email. Contacts are listed below.

    Please go to the following link


    for mission updates



    Confirmed Mission

    James Dale Dickman, 69

    Middle Point, Ohio

    US Army Veteran of the Korean War




    Harter and Son Funeral Home

    209 West 3rd Street

    Delphos, Ohio 45833-1691

    19 July 2011@ 1400-2000hrs-( 2-8 PM )

    Staging: 1300hrs-( 1 PM )


    Harter and Son Funeral Home

    20 July 2011@ 1400hrs-( 2 PM )

    Staging: 20 July 2011@ 1300hrs-1 PM )


    Walnut Grove Cemetery, following the Services

    District # 1 Ride Captain Richard Lowery is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Pleas follow his instructions and remember your 3'x 5' American flags. Dress per the weather conditions and stay hydrated. This is a long Visitation so please, relieve your fellow members on the flag line. If you need to contact Richard ( Bear) email him at: pgrhoggly@hotmail.com

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard


  2. This will be the ONLY email notice of this mission.

    Do not reply to this email. Contacts are listed below.

    Please go to the following link for mission updates


    Confirmed Mission

    MSgt (Ret.) Earl Thompson Jr., 77

    Fairborn, Ohio

    USAF Korean & Vietnam War Veteran


    Belton-Stroup Funeral Home

    422 East Dayton-Yellow Springs Road

    Fairborn, Ohio 45324

    Family 17 July 2011@1300hrs-( 1 PM )

    Friends 17 July 2011@ 1400-1700hrs-( 2-5 PM )

    Staging: 17 July 2011@ 1200hrs-( 12 PM )


    Belton-Stroup Funeral Home

    18 July 2011@ 1000hrs-( 10 AM )

    Staging: 18 July 2011@ 0900hrs-( 9 AM )


    Byron Cemetery, following the Services

    District # 7 Ride Captain John McGee is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect,please follow his instructions. Dress per the weather conditions and please stay hydrated and remember your 3'x5' American flags. If you need to contact John please e-mail him at: mcgee.pj@sbcglobal.net

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard


  3. Gross. Not the marriage part (well, partially), but the fact she looks like a skanky used up porn star in her 30's with too much makeup and bad plastic surgery. She really looks worn out for being only 16. Good Christian girl? Just watch how she walks, clothes (given), and....when they are sitting on the couch and he's talking...watch how she looks at him and licks her lips :wtf: Her body may be nice, but that's about it. Her wedding dress is so appropriate for a chapel for a good Christian girl too lol. If I was her dad, I would've smacked her silly. Check out the comment section for more lolz on the alternate link below video.




  4. Lake street in Delaware is not the place to look for chicks. It's more like 50 year old women with summer teeth. More like grannies gone wild.

    Ohio Wesleyan University is there (although I'm sure you know this...). My Alma mater :p. I can only imagine the chaos that GGW caused being there. The townies must've gone nuts (no offense). Lord have mercy. What is sad is that I had to look up Lake Street to see where it was.

  5. Im too fat to bend over and grab my ankles

    I'm sure they'd find a way around it. Or you could be like my brother and work for Children's Services up in Cleveland and have to deal with children who are abused, neglected, and raped every day. That's a job I am not envious of.

  6. Hum, you mean I could do something that I would dislike more than saving crackheads and cokewhores from themselves? Interesting.

    Yes you could. It would require bending over, grabbing your ankles, and a fine how-do-you-do from some of the very crackheads you've come to love and admire. No health insurance or 401k though.

  7. Considering the job market, unless you have something offered that is set in stone and you know you really want to do it, stay with the comfort of job security for now. Maybe take some classes in your spare time towards something you might be interested? You might be burned out, but you won't realize what you have until it's gone if you can't find something else or end up doing something you dislike more. Just my 44969smiley_2_cents__4.gif

  8. "Hi, Im Sarah. Who wants to work on my bike at my place and BTW, i cant afford the parts it takes to fix it." Sell your bike and buy toilet paper.

    I bought parts. I didn't have a tool. I improvised anyway so I don't even need that. My bike is for sale, but it's not in my name, nor am I the one who gets the money for it. It will sell better if it's running like normal. What's wrong for asking with help working on the bike when I've exhausted everything I can do on my end? It's not like I just sit there and stare at it and don't work on it myself. I work on my cars too, but there's only so much I know how to or can do. How was I annoying about it on OR?

    Btw, it's SARA. It's right there in my username. No excuse to mess it up.

  9. Shouldnt you get back to begging guys to work on your bike for free? :rolleyes:

    That was low. I hope you never end up in a situation like mine right now! I'm used to helping people for free because it's the nice thing to do. I still do. Unfortunately, I can not pay anyone to help me right now, nor has anyone that I know of ever asked for payment when helping out a fellow rider when it's something that only involves skill and not parts. I have done a TON of work on this bike MYSELF. I only ask for help when I don't know what else to do. Do you think I like having to ask people for help!?!? Until the past few years when my situation deteriorated, I have rarely asked for help for anything. I go out of my way to help others all the time. Now I am trying to get disability and haven't worked in over a year. I have nothing left and can't even buy fucking toilet paper for myself and I've been begging people to help me but no one will. Wait until you're in my shoes and needing something essential...hell, even needing moral support, and no one gives a flying fuck. Let's see how you feel then. And I was willing to come over and help you with your skunk issue...I'd let it go because you didn't want to be sprayed. I was willing to take the chance of getting sprayed so you wouldn't have to and it wouldn't have to die. Oh...and I have gardens because I'm poor as fuck...not because I'm a hippie. Thanks for ruining MY day. I'd rather deal with the skunk.

    I'd like to add that I have offered dinner to people that help or to do something else they need done in exchange for helping.

  10. If you release it in my yard, I will cap it right then and there. Skunks are not cuddly little creatures, they are pests that cause property damage and carry disease.

    Do any non-hippies have any suggestions to safely euthanize this smelly bastard?

    I never said they were cuddly creatures. They do help control the pest population though - "mice, rats, moles, aphids, grubs, beetles, yellow jackets, grasshoppers, cutworms, cockroaches, scorpions, black widow spiders, snakes, etc. An estimated 70% of a skunk's diet consists of insects considered harmful to humans. They also eat decomposing fruit fallen from trees." I think I'd rather have a skunk than those other things.

    They aren't viscous animals unless they are rabid. My god, you'd think you captured a wolverine or something. He'll only spray if you scare him. It's called a defense mechanism :rolleyes: If you do it carefully and have patience (although I'm gathering that's not possible), he won't spray you. You think if you kill this one, no more skunks will exist?

    Swing'R's link is awesome. However, it appears as if you feel extremely threatened by this skunk.

  11. Are you fucking serious? :lol:

    I'd much rather he suffer than my dog or myself suffer. This retarded polecat has ruined my day. He can suffer there in the shade until I choose the form of his destruction.

    Have you ever pooped with a leash tied to your neck and some guy standing over you? Cuz my dog hasn't. :D

    Yeah I'm pretty serious. Are you saying you'd rather kill him than attempt to relocate or release him? You set up LIVE traps. Skunks are pretty beneficial critters. I would try to release him from the live trap in your yard and let him go on his merry way.

    How are you and your dog suffering in a way that is equivalent to that? How long has he been in the cage so far? Since skunks are nocturnal, I'm guessing he's been in there overnight. He's probably scared too.

    And as for your dog, there's a first time for everything. Take him for a walk. Or is it too hot out? :nono: I'm sure your dog is fine going to the bathroom on a leash. Millions of dogs do it every day.

  12. From internet:

    Nature has given this wonderful creature very effective defensive equipment. Balancing this ability to spray a noxious liquid is an easygoing temperament. Mr. Skunk will only spray if he feels threatened, and he is not easily threatened. He will usually warn you before he sprays by stamping his front feet. If you ignore the warning and keep threatening him, he’ll turn around, lift his tail and ruin your day. If you get sprayed, it’s a safe bet that you weren’t paying attention.

    It is quite possible to approach, cover with a towel or blanket, pick up, transport and euthanize a trapped skunk without being sprayed. But you must move slowly, never surprise him, and always give him a chance to adjust (cool off) after doing something with him.

    Pick up the trap and carry it to your vehicle. Wait a few minutes and then drive him to the shelter. After you arrive, wait a few minutes, then carry the trap to the skunk euthanasia area (preferably an outdoor area—let’s not push our luck). Remove the blanket or towel and let him get used to his surroundings before proceeding (ten to thirty minutes is usually enough).


    I'd say try this but release him somewhere else. If you don't hurry, poor little critter will suffer in that cage. It's awful hot out today.

    And why can't you just take your dog out on a leash in the front yard in the meantime?

    Did you try calling animal control or the non-emergency police number to see if they have any ideas?

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