Saw this on the MotoSeries forum: "Pre-Season Limited Time Only Early Registration Discount Sign up today through March 15th and receive 10% off your purchase. Offer only applies to Track Days, Schools, and Racing events. Use Promo code ready2ride at time of checkout to apply savings. The Discount will be shown under Order Summary Total on the Checkout page. The Subtotal displays only the price before discounts are applied. Racer Multi-Day Discount Racers will automatically receive a discount on Saturday track days when a Sunday racing event is purchased at the same time. The racer discount varies depending on where the event is held. Unfortunately we are not able to offer a racer discount for Putnam Park events at this time. Team Endurance Racer Multi-Class Discount Any Team Endurance rider wanting to do Sprint races on the same day will be allowed to use the Sprint 1st Race Entry as the Team Endurance for their first entry reducing the cost of their additional Sprint classes. You must register for the Team Endurance at the same time, as either the Team Captain or as an Additional Rider. The Team Captain will be responsible for the payment of the Team Endurance Race, however Additional Riders will be able to register and not be charged for the Team Endurance entry."