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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. .... more to come....

  2. .... this is a first... in first... on an A330... let the shananigans begin!

  3. ..... not goin' to sleep tonight... its gonna get crazy starting in about 7 hours.... but first... let me get this arm workout in.....

  4. ..... my day so far....

  5. who's tryin to ride on Wednesday? lil cookout at a cool bike shop at 11 or noon... then Iron pony... then quaker steak bike night... who's down?!?!

  6. "Sometimes, to do what is right, you have to break a law"


  7. Where's the absolute cheapest place for an eye exam, contacts, and glasses in akron?

  8. .... please hit me up asap if you fit the following...

    1. Have nothing to do today

    2. Have a drivers license (you don't need a car)

    3. Are in akron

  9. .... I was told I could be a model... I don't know about that lol.....

  10. .... please don't forget about your local arab in your local arab store being available for you for your last minute bbq needs... be cool and bring them a plate from your bbq... remember, though, if it ever went "oink" and "squeal" then we don't want it on our meal....

  11. .... and while I'm at it... PLEASE DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE.... I may have to get your attention on the road otherwise ... I'm sure you won't like it.....

  12. Waiting on my cuz at summit racing. Then we will meet at the speedway gas station. Sorry for the delay. Plenty of time for anyone to join! Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 2
  13. Goin' for a real ride today!

    Meet at noon at the Speedway Gas Station at:

    293 E Market Street Akron, Ohio 44308

    We're riding down south a bit to New Athens then back up to Lisbon, then back over.

    Be there at noon geared up, fuel up and lets go!

  14. Trying to copy and paste the route from google. why won't the editor let me?
  15. This editor is not cooperating so I'll get straight to the point. Meet at noon at the Speedway Gas Station at: 293 E Market Street Akron, Ohio 44308 We're riding down south a bit to New Athens then back up to Lisbon, then back over. Be there at noon geared up, fuel up and lets go!
  16. .... plannin' a good ride tomorrow around noon... who's down?... James Mitchell , Samuel D Topper , Jamal Zulkifli , Derek Clouser ,

  17. If you chew gum like a cow, fuck you... and if you leave gum in places where it doesn't belong , fuck you and you die a slow death and go to hell... just sayin.....

  18. ..... always be on the front line for those who have your back.....

  19. I want to set up a ride for sunday. Details coming soon Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 2
  20. .... couldn't take it anymore , needed my beef rib fix... and I'm a master chef....

  21. Who's tryin to get sushi at yellowtail, like right now?

  22. .... who wants to play small stakes or tourny texas hold'em sunday at 7pm? Let me know.

  23. .... who want to play small stakes or tourny texas hold'em tomorrow at 7pm? Let me know.

  24. ....so I just cancelled my tv and internet at home.... I have a feeling this is going to have a positive effect on my life.....

  25. any chance u can meet me at 4210 Hudson Dr. Stow, Ohio 44224 anytime tomorrow (Frday 5/16/2014)? I'll be there all day
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