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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. maybe we should go for a ride tomorrow (sunday) I would be starting from the valley.
  2. I'll throw in my hat in for sunday as well as my plans may have changed for saturday. if we do sunday, that would be great!
  3. .... it was a good ride. big thanks to guys that came out! got caught in some rough rain on the way back up, but over all a really good ride!
  4. doc, tryin to get everyone's video right after the ride, maybe a little rough. people tryin to cover their distances to get home and all. I would highly recommend the envelope idea. either keep each card in its envelope or mark the cards themselves. again, just ideas. don't wanna sound bossy or anything.
  5. that would definatly one up the doc's attemps at speeding ahead and trying to catch us in a nice lean in turn.... which I also suggest.... .....ACTUALLY..... we should maybe assign some riders as photographers this way thay can try for some good shots. maybe assign a leader, a sweeper and a photographer for each group..... just an idea....
  6. maybe we can get a good slab shot to show the size of our group.
  7. for this one. as long as we get good footage, I would ask that the doc takes his time. I would also suggest that the intro's/i.d.'s of all the riders go at the end of the video as that is gonna be long. also doc, please get my screen name right. MIKE53ALI (not mike56ali) thanks.
  8. .... somebody should invite that t-mobile chic on her pink ducati......
  9. for all those using go pros, I dunno what doc's plan is, but I would bring and use clean sd cards, and bring stamped, addressed envelopes, so that doc could send your cards back. I don't think doc's production can be matched. in doc we trust.
  10. stayin away from wooster but will be heading back towards ashland via loudenville
  11. not a problem. my goal is to eat at like noon there and then roll out of coshocton at like one. I think we're eating The Warehouse. I'll be on my aprilia and there will also be a katana750 for sure.
  12. .... hhhmmm would be a shame if bride and/or groom were to be kidnapped... there may or may not be people that may or may not know people who may or may not be willing to perform such acts
  13. cool. we'll be eating in coshocton. I'll let you know when and where as soon as I can. I do wanna restate that this ride will be two-up. so pace will be very sane.
  14. put me where you need me doc, as long as I get my camera time, of course :biker:
  15. ....hhhhmmmm..... I just made another shorter ride..... and no matter what, I wouldn't exactly be jettin' around down there.... thanks for the feedback!
  16. is mohican still torn up? or how bout this? https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=ashland&daddr=40.52787,-81.8427+to:40.47818,-81.71749+to:400+n+whitewoman+st+to:Plainfield,+OH+to:40.18044,-81.6769+to:hopewell+rd+and+bloomfield+rd+to:friendship+dr+and+adamsville+otsego+rd+to:dresden+rd+and+dresden+adamsville+rd+to:oh-60+and+oh-541+to:40.367199,-82.044206+to:40.3815031,-82.0588327+to:40.4279242,-82.0219861+to:40.51173,-82.03062+to:40.6082531,-82.1525453+to:Ashland,+OH&hl=en&ll=40.444857,-81.738281&spn=1.105711,2.381287&sll=40.61734,-82.113533&sspn=0.137861,0.297661&geocode=FTybbwIdduwX-ymPkkV8TPs5iDGPJETASM4y7A%3BFf5nagId9C0f-ymbZvI6lRI3iDG9qlOyccNdSg%3BFeSlaQIdDhch-ym_KAyaxw83iDHJ3Vh5OF9IjA%3BFbScZgIdeqse-ylvQu-7Wp83iDGEHeMgvbkHdA%3BFWyMZQId7g4h-yl9H2ICDqU3iDF1kfuP-GSLxw%3BFdgaZQIdnLUh-yn1K0MW-683iDE1LvwXFKmbkw%3BFdgRYwId7W0i-ymrDQdfX7Y3iDEr_oakYv2AGg%3BFU4kZAIdWVgg-ymdiV047bs3iDGyKw7s_ysq3g%3BFRFtYwIdYJUe-ylJVp_3m5U3iDGKTYhxGG7jGg%3BFR49ZgIdPRIc-ymLu-1UyYQ3iDHIxmlqaaaaiQ%3BFV_0ZwId0hoc-ynVEtMCAng3iDEC-2hycIcjTQ%3BFT8saAIdsOEb-ymFrouJFXg3iDGwNNh3YYyX7Q%3BFZThaAIdnnEc-ynnuf7VRXc3iDHPcXEHy1mbHQ%3BFfIoagId5E8c-yn3GR76D3A3iDFCcy-MhsTgog%3BFf2hawIdn3Ma-ylNOj9R3mM3iDGxy4P3f2C9Kw%3BFTybbwIdduwX-ymPkkV8TPs5iDGPJETASM4y7A&oq=ash&gl=us&mra=dpe&mrsp=14&sz=12&via=1,2,5,10,11,12,13,14&t=m&z=9
  17. .... so what would be better? oh60 or cr22/cr19 as they seem to run parellel
  18. gotta love old football equipment lol!
  19. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=ashland,+oh&daddr=40.522153,-81.8038233+to:40.4661092,-81.710889+to:400+north+Whitewoman+Street,+Coshocton,+OH+to:Plainfield,+OH+to:40.11332,-81.65028+to:hopewell+rd+and+bloomfield+rd+to:friendship+dr.+and+adamsville+rd.+to:adamsville+rd+and+dresden+adamsville+rd+to:state+route+60+and+oh-541+to:40.25522,-81.92585+to:us-36+and+oh-60+to:Ashland,+OH&geocode=FTybbwIdduwX-ymPkkV8TPs5iDGPJETASM4y7A%3BFalRagId0cUf-ylT7p68axI3iDHmQ7bv69ZqaA%3BFb12aQId1zAh-ylTF1EOmQ83iDGbE3VpO1EP3g%3BFbScZgIdeqse-ylvQu-7Wp83iDGEHeMgvbkHdA%3BFWyMZQId7g4h-yl9H2ICDqU3iDF1kfuP-GSLxw%3BFagUZAIdmB0i-ymndkL847A3iDG97-AukHPeJA%3BFdgRYwId7W0i-ymrDQdfX7Y3iDEr_oakYv2AGg%3BFU4kZAIdWVgg-ymdiV047bs3iDGyKw7s_ysq3g%3BFRFtYwIdYJUe-ylJVp_3m5U3iDGKTYhxGG7jGg%3BFR49ZgIdPRIc-ymLu-1UyYQ3iDHIxmlqaaaaiQ%3BFfQ-ZgIdJukd-ykblMiUPpk3iDHV5ennZlB2OA%3BFRZ4ZwIdXE4d-ymHomwe6J03iDFeedpfBfPY7A%3BFTybbwIdduwX-ymPkkV8TPs5iDGPJETASM4y7A&aq=0&oq=ashland&sll=40.816927,-82.161942&sspn=0.274896,0.595322&vpsrc=0&gl=us&hl=en&mra=ls&via=1,2,5,10&ie=UTF8&t=m&z=9&layer=c&ei=yPlXUOuMLuXDwAHOoYCYCg&pw=2 ok. click "include large map" to see it. I really looking for feedback on the condition on any of these roads. looking at it now, this is most likely gonna be shortended. as of now, there will be 2 of us, and both bikes will be two up, so pace will be sane. we'll be stopping for a quick bite in roscoe village in coshocton early on. all are welcome, but again, really lookin' for some feedback on the route. thanks guys
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