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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. thanks to hoblick for having us over. thanks to jackflash for cookin'. nice to meet you all. plan on putting some serious miles in this year with the group. just hopefully not so many on the slab. and I will def stick to moto riding... and give up wind surfing lol...
  2. "checkin' in" meeting my cousin and maybe 1 more in Tallmadge, then plan on meeting jamal and sam in canton on 93 at noon.
  3. ..... this is one of those nights where if it was about 15 degrees warmer, and not raining, and if I didn't have shit to do tomorrow, I would get out and hit a lake and be catfishin' for a few hours......

  4. we'll see whats up. I'm not sure if I really wanna slab down to Columbus, especially if weather is a worry. would be cool to meet everybody tho. we'll see. with jamal and sam leaving as late as noon on sunday, it would be hard to deny them. anybody for sure not goin' to hoblick's but woud like to putt around a lil closer to home on sunday?
  5. slabbing all the way down? we'll see whats up. if I can get my cousin to be there on time, we may take part.
  6. My cousin and I plan on meeting up for a ride out of akron or Youngstown on sunday april 13th if it doesn't rain. not sure of a route or meetup yet. this is not gonna be anything crazy. I may be two up as well. so no crazy pace. I'm throwing this out there to the local guys from akron and Youngstown. if rain is a real issue as we meetup, we may stick to the valley. if we get clearer skies, we might do the 212 to 164 thing. let me know your thoughts.
  7. I can meet at the bp off 71. that's near the lodi outlet stores right?
  8. that was actually two years ago now. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?!?!?
  9. I might have to take u up on that. I've never flushed the coolant myself before.
  10. I'll be road worthy after an oil change, coolant flush, chain lube, and I wanna take a good look at my tires but I'll be ready as soon as I can catch a day off to do all that, then we can plan some rides!
  11. thanks for the welcome back guys!
  12. yes I did. you're not gonna believe this.... state 8 got it figured out in February , it was the tip-over sensor....
  13. I'll throw my name in the mix. Sorry haven't read the whole thread, so I'm not privy to the northeasters' meet up or anything like that, but I'll volunteer to sweep a medium group, or I'll lead if I absolutely have to. If I happen to be two up, this will restrict me to a medium-slow group and possible an early departure from the ride, but we'll play it by ear until we iron out the details.
  14. I'm from akron for those who don't remember! lets get this goin'!!!!
  15. you already know I'm down for this... and I know I was part of the problem on needing back-ups but as usual, I don't mind leading or even sweeping for an intermediate or beginner group (especially a beginner group, as it will be early in the season and I maybe two-up as I may want to bring my new wifey along. our wedding will be the weekend before lol)
  16. .....wwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww....... time to throw away the rock I've been living under....
  17. I have not kept up on this thread but it sound like plans for 2013!!!! well I'm back and I'll be ready!!!! let's get to planning and get it earlier this year so cold is not an issue!!! also lets get it in before people start wreckin and sellin' their bikes!!!!! jk. everybody be safe!!!
  18. it was an amazing drive. some of the road condition was questionable to really enjoy it on a sportbike and traffic on a saturday was rough as well, but I think if you plan it right..... wow...
  19. recommend a 600. try to tell him it'll be easier to get his endorsement on a 600 vs. anything bigger
  20. flagstaff to sedona to jerome? or jerome to sedona to flagstaff? I had to settle for a jag convertible, but I think I will be trailering out there before I die. guess I'm just looking for someone to be envious of
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