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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. niceee, hope we all get to enjoy the ride that day, jnor have you seen the meet point location in person. Just wanted to make sure there is no new construction or other new stuff which might prevent a meet up there. hope to meet you there jack things might just clear up it seems.
  2. Saturday for now, will change only by Friday if at all. Rain getting strong, hate this development. hope those clouds gets blow over. Infact down south it might be clear that day, it will reach north by then thou
  3. its going to change for sure right...right we are going to ride for sure. lasy year it was a close call like this as well
  4. seriously sick on a side note, about parenting, this video summarizes many of our extremely strict parenting. The guy is an indian guy born in canada so kind of know good and bad of both worlds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn5jlrxcpkI
  5. Every one meets here by 11:00 as of now, Empty parking lot / fit to hold 50+ bikes easily Gas station close by. 1058 E. Main st. Newark, Ohio 43055 hope it holds, as of now it could be a great day with almost 70 and sunny...... and you know what..thats what we all gonna believe in right..right and that what it will be like. Sunny 70 and beautiful day for a ride. My only worry is sun will be right on top at 11:30 and in video every one will look like frankenstein with shadows on there eyes next week looks pretty good and especially the saturday
  6. October 6th for everyone, we meet at Newark more details at the end of first post. I will update it soon.
  7. Haha , as it stands now rain gear looks like a must ( Dang but I am sure ... SURE it's gonna get better and warm ... I believe it
  8. Always welcome ridein, bring friends too, only request is proper gear
  9. hope it changes as it been changing the last few days pretty drastically
  10. i hear ya, i only have the phenomenon which is painful enuf, cant imagine the full blown condition. I survive partially above 45, but cant do it for long time. thick winter gloves and warming packets inside is my friend
  11. hehe last year i remember you two guys were the strong proponents of sunday ride but this year just came up with this date since nothing major was going on this day and kept the sunday as a rain check back up date. sorry guys But i will ride sunday too for sure
  12. niceee, am really considering getting one more just for the day true, i ride with at least 4 layers, since i am not used to this much cold
  13. i tested my tolerance last year, max temp of 45 was my limit as i found out. Beyond that even with layering hands became blue. but setting of at below 40 and if the day warms up to above 55 i can ride all day no probs Lets all hope for the best.
  14. hope he is going to be okay
  15. as we approach closer to the date, if the morning temps seem too low we can push the meet time further by 1-2 hours to make it easier for us far extreme guys to set out easy
  16. good route, i think inyazz planning to meet at 82/83
  17. hanoverton sounds good, we will be passing thru there anyways from canfeild
  18. As of now prediction is 75 and sunny hope it holds up Any one planning to ride 2 up?
  19. nice, hope to meet you guys soon
  20. Accu weather predicts 6 to be sunny and 75 Going crazy checking weather every now and then
  21. here is the route hob http://goo.gl/maps/EJgdV
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