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Everything posted by grizzlyar

  1. Crazy people out there! Dam.
  2. More people from NE ohio, sweet! Welcome to or.
  3. I live on the east side of cleveland. I carry a pocket knife everywhere I go, second nature. My glock 26 when allowed by dumb laws. I will worry about the consequences later. lol
  4. That`s a great bike. Used to have one. Same year diff color. Wish I had a home for it. Dam! lol
  5. grizzlyar

    not armed

    From the album: stuff

  6. grizzlyar

    keltec 06

    From the album: stuff

  7. grizzlyar


  8. Then I could get that 07 sv100s. Hell yes!
  9. I should be able to get 2500 for my bandit if u get 3. That would be cool. lol
  10. Good looking! Tattoos! And u ride!?!?! If u drink I have to get u a ring before someone else does! lol
  11. Pauly finally figured out that race clutch. I hope to get it back by next week. When he gets back from Deals gap.
  12. grizzlyar


    WOW! Don`t know what else to say. lol
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