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Posts posted by jester3681

  1. Not to piss you off, but I was an arms length away from a buck about 50% bigger than that Saturday night/Sunday morning. Just waiting for Ohio to enact locomotive hunting season, I'd have had it.

    All kidding aside, I've seen a lot of deer lately, but not in areas you'd be allowed to shoot.

  2. Might consider saving your money on not buying organic, typically no real "true" benefits over non organic, it just makes you feel like it does. Now when it comes to meat and eggs I would much prefer as all natural as I can get, but fruit and veggies I don't even consider.

    I would say there is a better benefit from cooking your own foods than from buying organic pre-packaged stuff. We also try to shop at Farmer's markets and the like when we can.

  3. We pay about $72/mo ($865/yr) for our cars - 2011 Nissan Rogue with comprehensive coverage and a 1997 Mercury Sable with liability plus on it. We have all the bells and whistles, rental coverage (even on my Sable) and our homeowners is also through the same company - Hanover Insurance. I use an independent agent here in Columbus and he's always taken care of us. There was a while there I had a different car every four months and he would change my coverage with a simple email. No need to bring the car in, etc. What's nice about him is he represents a dozen or so carriers, so if something like this were to happen to me, he could negotiate a better deal elsewhere. I can PM you his info - he's in Pickerington, but he can work via phone or email.

  4. Looking for an ipad. Probably the ipad 2. Just throwing this out there if anyone is looking to get rid of theirs.


    I was at Easton today and the Apple store had a shit load of these things they were trying to get rid of.

    Seriously though, if you insist on joining the Apple cult, know that none of these raving lunatics will let their toy out of their clutches until the next one comes out. I bet when the iPad 3 comes out in March, you'll find iPad 2s all over the place. I hear the screen will be bigger and Siri will have better tits. :D

  5. We buy food at Kroger, Trader Joe's and Target. Two (and a half times two) adults, two (and a half kids) - my mother in law, sister in law and nephew stay with us three days a week. I'd say we spend $450-550 between the three, but the bulk is spent at Kroger - $300+/- a month. We might eat out three times, but usually it's pizza - $20 or less. We try to eat relatively healthy and buy a lot of fresh produce and prepare most of our meals from scratch.

    When we were first married, we shopped almost exclusively at Trader Joe's and spent about the same, but there were only two of us. I bet we ate out once a week, too, plus I went out with the guys every Wednesday night. I'd say all in we were over $1000 a month.

  6. Anyone out there using Virgin Mobile or Boost Mobile? Virgin looks cheaper, but both are the same concept. Thoughts, experiences? Our AT&T plan is up in December and all the big dogs are fucking me on my discount now, so I'm looking at the little guys.

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