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Posts posted by jester3681

  1. I read somewhere that the only people at Walmart that are full time are in store management and higher - anyone else you encounter is part time. Any truth to that?

    When I worked at the salvage yard, I essentially ran two businesses - a sales center and a production center. I tried part time employees on both sides. Did not work in production at all, and only worked in sales if I somehow ended up with two excellent part time employees. In almost every case, what I ended up with in two part time employees was less than what I lost in one full timer with benefits. Now granted, a lot of my problem had to do with knowledge of the product - Walmart probably doesn't have that issue, but you lose something only being part time.

  2. Well, we now have a new dog. :-)

    Congrats brother! We have a Yorki Chon, same type deal. Nice because they're hypoallergenic. My son is allergic to pet dander and our dog is fine. Glad to see they either didn't notice the Big Brother setup, or maybe thought they were on some show so gave you the dog... :D

  3. Fuel would be my biggest concern, followed by tires. The tires are at least 6 years old, which is where most manufacturers recommend replacing. I'd ask for new tires, oil change, drain the tank and refill. Should be fine. Other rubber parts, gaskets, etc. I wouldn't see a need to worry about if it was inside.

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