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Posts posted by jester3681

  1. I used to have the same opinion when they first came out. Then te girl I was hanging out with last year bought one and with much experience driving it, my mind was changed and I loved that thing

    I have a good friend who had one (and incidentally traded it for a two door), and it was a nice vehicle. But Wranglers have two doors. When you put four doors on it, it becomes something else. Call it the Cherokee Off-Road for all I care, but it's like giving a Miata a hard top and four doors. It's not a Miata anymore. It's an Mazda3.

  2. As much as I like to say "fuck Walmart" at the end of the day, most of us like to pay as little as possible for the things we purchase. It's the American way. Two decades ago, customer service drove a premium, but in today's society, in general, we will herd up like cattle and get dehumanized to pay $199 for something that's $299 everywhere else. This is what I see as Walmart's legacy. Every time I walk in to a Walmart to buy something, I feel a little ashamed - not because I feel it's beneath me, but because as much as I would like to say "fuck Walmart" when it comes to the bottom line at Jester, Inc. cheaper is cheaper.

    Example - we just got our Christmas cards made up there. My wife ordered them through Snapfish - $16/20 right from Snapfish, plus $4.95 shipping. If we ordered them through Snapfish for pickup at Walmart, not only were they $10.50/20 but they were ready in 30 minutes. That's a savings of 30% before shipping. When a company controls such a large share of the economy that they can demand lower prices like this, well... I guess I have to respect them. If I could have gotten them for $12 or $15 at Target, I'd have been in the Red-Circle Express in a heartbeat, but...

    Their practices may be deplorable, but the American people has more or less given them a pass, otherwise they wouldn't still be the number one retailer in the world. I mean, it's no secret what they do. It's not like we're uninformed. We just don't care... our society will put up with it because it means lower prices.

  3. The new 4 door Wranglers with the hardtop are pretty damn awesome. If I didn't have a truck as a daily for work, I would easily consider one even though it lacks cargo space

    I'm sorry, Wranglers have 2 doors. Now, I will concede that for the past few years, Chrysler has been producing some kind of 4 doored abomination that they choose to call "Wrangler" but it's not to be confused with the real thing.

    And I don't even like Jeeps. :D

  4. Seriously though, a $20k budget would by just about any car on the market if you go used and look back 5-7 years. What I'm probably going for in five years for my next car? V8 Pathfinder. Pretty rare, but fun. I'll probably settle for a 4.0l Pathfinder or Xterra though, if I can find a nice one. $20k would buy those all day long with spending money left over. Of course my commute is comical, so gas is not an issue for me.

    You have to understand, asking the question "I have $20k, what car should I buy?" is like asking "I have a penis, what girl should I fuck?" You'll get a lot of opinions based on other people past experiences, but at the end of the day, get the best you can for what you need. If you don't want to share any additional information, go out and buy a brand new Chevy Cruse. Made in Lordstown, Ohio, you can get one under $20k with a warranty. You're supporting Americans and Ohioans. Would I buy one? No, but I probably wouldn't fuck your girlfriend either.

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