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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. You're a good dad. That's a safe car, reliable and you covered your bases with a good warranty. I don't see how you could go wrong there.
  2. This is a great price on these, guys - bump for that alone!
  3. I would say find an accountant who is familiar with the type of business you intend to run. Hoblick is right, there are deductions and depreciation for everything. Knowing these inside and out can make thousands of dollars in difference. An example I can think of is sometimes at the end of the fiscal year it is "cheaper" to go out and buy a new widget then to pay significantly less to fix your old widget (I know vehicles and heavy equipment/machinery are often like this) because you can start claiming depreciation again. It's kind of messed up, but in the accounting world, sometimes it's BETTER to lose money in a transaction because of what you can claim against it. I always remember the games I would play at the salvage yard - we were owned by a publicly traded, multi-national steel company that was SOX compliant, so we used the strictest of accounting. My physical inventory was a set dollar amount, and if that fluctuated, it would cost me money on the bottom line - even if it shrank, which seems counter intuitive. So come month end, I may tell my car buyer, "You need to spend $40,000 by Friday. Don't care how many cars you buy - hell, go to Krieger and buy a new Mustang for all I care, just spend it." Because by spending that $40k, I didn't take a $60k hit on the bottom line. Shit, I remember going into the auctions online and raising his bids while he was there live bidding. That kind of pissed him off... :-) Silly, but it's the way REAL accounting works.
  4. Good looking car. That may be the kind of thing I look at when the Merc is done...
  5. I knew they changed over but I thought it was later (09ish?)
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