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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. I hate to play Devil's advocate here, but I see both parties as guilty in escalating things until contact was made. I think that's pretty much what Office Flapjack was telling you. Yes, he hit your car, but there was some provocation. It's kind of like yelling at a dude telling him to hit you and then when he does, saying, "Shit, that guy just punched me!" Just my opinion from the outside in, and not saying that I haven't been guilty of fucking with an asshole driver myself. I'd just get the mirror fixed and go about your business...
  2. Looks like a solid car if you want to be in $11k. Low miles, you clearly know what you'll get already having one. Looks cute. Checking all the boxes, but you'll shoot your wad...
  3. I remember this commercial... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaO8WltLmEk Turns out the guy who came up with the ad actually DID reply all! http://gma.yahoo.com/embarrassing-email-blunder-became-mans-great-success-205602189--abc-news-money.html Funny stuff...
  4. Eh, I'd partially agree, but Civics tend to trade higher than they should.
  5. Yeah, but to a 16 year old girl, I bet they look pretty cool! We're just grumpy old codgers. Shit, I drive a Mercury Sable. I might as well start wearing plaid pants.
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