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Posts posted by jester3681

  1. Ok, here's the skinny on Smart cars. Honestly, for what they are, they are very safe. They have a reinforced shell that surrounds the entire passenger cabin. You can literally roll one down the road and the inside is ok. It's how they're designed. And car as small as that will suck versus a semi, so just get that out of your head - if you're looking for something good against a semi, I'd suggest a locomotive and that will severely limit her travels.

    That being said, for what you will pay for a Smart, dollar for dollar, new or used, you give up a lot. Maintenance is expensive (Mercedes), I believe they take premium fuel, and they are not that good on gas. I'd look at a multitude of other cars - Civic, Fit, Sentra, Altima, Versa, Corolla, Camry, Jetta to name a few. All are bigger, get at least as good if not better mileage, and will be cheaper to own and maintain.

    Also, the two seats in the Smart are offset - the passenger sits further back than the driver - a symptom of being so narrow.

    In case you don't know, the Smart was developed in Europe to be a size where two could share a standard parking spot. That's their sole reason for existence.

  2. Maybe I'm just nostalgic or biased (look at my signature), but I think they Honda CX/GL500/650 are great - shaft drive, easy to work on, well build, good for 60,000+ miles with little more than fluid changes. You can get one fore less than $500 and a great one for less than $1500.

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