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Posts posted by jester3681

  1. You can also apply for a Mechanic's Lean if you desire and do not have a Bill of Sale. In Ohio, the Bill of Sale should be enough if notorized to get the bike inspected and get a title. But there is the rub... If it needs inspected, you need to full street the thing. That can cost some money to get the needed parts.

    It may be different on a bike NEVER titled (dirt bike, etc), but the topic of "mechanic's liens" and I also believe getting a title via bill of sale have been beaten to death in other threads. Not easy at all for an individual. Almost have to be a business with some equity in the bike (repair shop, dealership, tow company).

  2. Mac Donald's makes cheap food - that's why Honey Boo Boo's mom is a fat cow. I hate when the premise of an argument is a faulty logic.

    I read an article a few years back that found that children with a highly "ethnic" (their word) name, like Shaniqua, was more likely to have lower standardized test scores, and tried to draw that correlation. The logic there is flawed.

    Simpson's put it best, you can prove anything you want with facts.

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