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Posts posted by jester3681

  1. Glad to hear it guys! There is limited enrollment this year. I don't thing registering in September will be an issue but we have two huge promotional events in early October. I expect to sell out. Thanks for your involvement!

  2. Hey guys! Anyone from outside Columbus that would be interested in participating but doesn't want to lug your bike along with you... We have partnered with CoGo Bike Share to offer complimentary service for the event. CoGo has dozens of locations throughout the city, including one at 400 West Rich and Land-Grant. You're running out of excuses! ????

  3. I clicked the icon and it said I was put on a waiting list...Maybe they're rolling it out by region? Wouldn't let me download right away

    It takes a few days for them to process. Then it will download behind the scenes. Keep clicking the icon to check your status. That will speed the process along.

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