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Everything posted by rollnhot

  1. Your gf having a Russian bf is one thing, but a Canadian. Man its time to trade her in.
  2. We're rolling out early 6/6, thinking about 75 S into northern Ky then west to 127 S.
  3. Meet up with us 6/6 & you can run down with the big boys. If your ass hurts Sunday morning maybe you can hitch a trailer ride home. My guess is you'll be riding back.
  4. There's nothing like running up I 75, hungover and dehydrated at 95 mph. Like a fucking boss.
  5. Welcome, pretty sure we met at the Dream Ride.
  6. Welcome lets see the bike, likes me some Yamaha's
  7. Crazy bitch+daddy issues gets my vote every time. You can always smother a bitch with a pillow at the first sign of trouble.
  8. Like the NC better, the red one looks like a little baby Goldwing.
  9. Glad I'm going to Hell, all I got to say.
  10. Three guys a set to ride down with me & stay in my cabin, odds are at least one will drop out. If thats the case he can bunk with us, we'll see how it plays out.
  11. Early May would work best for myself, with the Gap trip in early June. Looked at Old Mans Cave chalets, they have some lodge type deals that hold 10 to 14 people. Might want to look into something like this, didn't seem to have any small cabins close together. PM or email me we can work out some details.
  12. Was just looking at Hocking area cabins and remembered this idea. Hellmutt what you think? I like mid APRIL - early MAY.
  13. Do it, sounds like the ride of a lifetime. You plan on riding one of your current mounts, or something else.
  14. rollnhot


    Welcome, keep the Troll.
  15. From now on you will be know as the stretched member.
  16. One of my favorites, in 79 a Dayton bronze pulls myself and my lady friend over on my Water Buffalo with a twelve pack between us while sharing a beer. Officer nice guy say's, you two need to go sit somewhere and drink those. you could get arrested for that you know. A few years ago got pulled over by a Franklin bronze at about a buck thirty in a 35 zone, a young welder from work was playing catch up on his R6 when they lit us up. Lucked out, it was one of my dads poker buddies. Thought my buddy was gonna shake out of his boots while they ran our licenses. No ticket, the good ole boy club, membership has it's privilege's. I've been riding since I was 10 I could write a book on dumb shit.
  17. My do rags are all at the dry cleaners, I don't have a thing to wear.
  18. I'll bet they thought they invented the motorcycle trailer.
  19. overwhelmed by horrible vaginal odor, you can't make this shit up
  20. I don't think he'd want her back after we're finished with it. Might be some broken parts.
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