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Everything posted by MackDaddy43

  1. those guys pay stupid money for some of the shit they get... I don't see how they make money sometimes. Besides the tv show obv...
  2. Is it possible / affordable to match aged pearl?
  3. why does this have to be on a friday!??? Might show up after class tho..
  4. lol this deff wouldnt happen in usa.. Plus i wouldn't want tainted hippie blood everywhere.. ew.. aids..
  5. damn... wonder how long this is gonna realistically take. and how the competitor services will respond.
  6. Great color! but those taillights need to go... looks clean, but i gotta ask... whats with the block and jug?
  7. saw a charger in that color today, looks good normally bu im not a huge fan of it on a newer audi tho
  8. Nvm got it taken care of with a bottle of heet and some new plugs
  9. why not just get an 08 r6? They fixed a lot of problems in 08 vs the pre 08's
  10. Ok, So... I told my mom I'd get her bike started after it's been sitting all winter this after noon.. Turns out, I dont know the first thing about getting a bike started. I can hop on one, start it, and ride off.. but I dont know how to diagnose problems at ALL ... Its a suzuki bandit 600. Its been sitting plugged into a battery charger most of the day, and gets power and wants to start. but it seems we're not getting any gas or something. I dont mean to sound like a total noob, but where would i begin? Also if this is better put in the tech help section feel free to move mods.
  11. lol i lost my legit key LONG ago. I played on a muted acct for the longest time till someone gave me an old bot key. works great!
  12. i love sc and have been playing for a while now.. but theyre SERIOUSLY trying to charge for each race??? How is the online going to work?
  13. I take it these would be pretty hard to obtain in the states
  14. Id trade it then try to flip it again for something even better.
  15. I'd try to get all I could out of them. Get an aggressive lawyer and let him take care of it
  16. I have a few clarinets for sale as low as $100 with a 30 day warranty. PM me if you'd be interested.
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