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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Don't let this thread die, there could be some ORDN members that might be into piracy on the highways....
  2. I don't see how you could mistake any known animal for an 8 foot tall homonid.
  3. ORDN: pissing in your cereal isn't just a job, it's a responsibility.
  4. Most of the time not being able to find neutral is because of a poorly adjusted clutch. I wouldn't buy it if it's leaking oil. The xj still sounds like a better deal.
  5. http://fox8.com/2014/01/13/man-claims-to-have-killed-bigfoot/ Supposedly the body has been examined by some university and he will make everything public next month....or its the latest in a long line of hoaxes and Bigfoot doesn't exist.
  6. Let one of your relatives get raped, stabbed and then burnt to death and see how much compassion you have for the piece of shit that did it. I'd kill the fuck myself if the cops ever found him.
  7. Doubles as a survival snack. I'm gonna make mine out of puff paint and glitter.
  8. Idk why they ever stopped using rope. Dead is dead, doesn't matter how you get that way provided it's not cruel and unusual. Breaking the neck is quick and painless, ask any henchman in a Steven Segal movie.
  9. You don't go talking shit on pesto and expect it to go unpunished. Let's head over there and gnocchi some heads around (eh?)
  10. I have created a monster....and some delicious baked ziti! Yes I will run for the position of saucemaster. Meatball can be my sausage at arms.
  11. Yeah you have to pull the motor, split the cases and all that fun stuff but it was only a real issue on the SECA II because the cylinder bank was canted way forward and it used downdraft carbs and a vacuum petcock. People would leave the petcock on prime or it would get stuck open and if a float valve was bad it would fill the motor with gas overnight. When the owner tried to start it the next morning the gasoline in the cylinder would refuse to compress and the starter gear would fail. It's highly unlikely that those series of unfortunate events would transpire with the 650 tho due to its upright cylinders and side Draft carbs. If you buy it expect to learn how to do a good thorough carb cleaning and maybe valve adjustment. One nice feature is the shift drive, no chain adjustments or worn sprockets! I can't remember if that's a YICS motor or not...If it is you need a special tool to block off the transfer ports if you wanna synchronize the carbs.
  12. I've used it before without any issues but if I recall it was with a brand spanking new clutch....it says it's safe for wet clutches on the bottle tho iirc. I have been wondering about that stuff tho...If it's so awesome why don't oil companies add it to their oil? Why don't manufacturers recommend we use it in their engines? Does it really mix in with the oil or does it sit in a lump in the pan? Does it strain the oil pump because it's so thick? I've used it in the past but never noticed any benefit.
  13. Also don't use my real name. We use nicknames in clubs. I want my name to be spaghetti.
  14. You won't be so concerned with clashing colors when you're wearing a leather vest like some wannabe cowboy pirate village person.
  15. This isn't that kind of place dude...plenty of guys have come in here trying to recruit for one MC or another, they all vanish after being ridiculed and laughed at. I know I know, your club is different, and we'll all have a wonderful time and hold hands and sing songs and do $1.85 on the freeway standing on the seat flapping our arms and throwing 'bows....but no....we aren't club people...we abhor the posturing, politics and general idea of clubs. We ride. Sometimes alone, sometimes in groups but we don't dress up in colors and patches and go from bar to bar in formation. Not trying to be a dick, I'm sure eventually someone else will tho.
  16. That xj650 is a good bike, the maxim/seca family of motors are very good mills, reliable as hell. Only weak point I know of is the starter gear, they're made out of something slightly harder than play do and if the bike is flooded or in gear and the safety switches fail they strip pretty bad. Other than that it's a good buy.
  17. Yeah $600 isn't gonna get you much...it's either gonna lbts or run like a 3 legged dog. Double your budget and get something that's at least capable and won't get your buddy stranded.
  18. Gonna do this with a 40 oz.
  19. Some very cool cheap bikes to look for: Yamaha xj600 Seca II. I had one for a season, comfy upright riding position, decent but not overwhelming power (60 hp), good handling characteristics, air cooled motor, easy to work on and 45mpg. Anything from the honda cb line. Suzuki gs 550, Kaw kz650....pretty much any jap standard from the 70's or 80's are great starter bikes. Not too much power, comfortable, easy to work on and cheap.
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