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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. 71 out of cbus was a bitch too...I think we hit 40 a few times...Most of the trip home could be categorized as a controlled slide.
  2. http://www.mister-e-liquid.com/ Got 2 vials of juice today from these guys, root beer and blue voodoo. Delicious. Shipping is cheap and quick (comes from michigan) and they send a free sample of one of their development flavors (0% nicotine). You can choose nicotine and vg % when ordering. Highly recommend these guys. If you're not into the heavily perfume or incense flavored stuff give em a look. A lot of the 'name brand' juice I've bought was disappointing. This is not.
  3. Got a Joe rocket sonic 2.0 leather at ip over the weekend on clearance ($120 off!). The L was a bit tight in the arms but the length was good, the xl was more comfy on the bicepts but arms were too long and it was too tall for me so I went with the L. Really like it, it's short like all sport jackets but all my riding pants will zip to it so not an issue. It is about as stiff as a wedding night prick tho, and as I've never bought a leather jacket that fit this tight (read correctly) I'm looking for tips to soften it up before the season starts. So what have you tried? What worked? Help me out here, there's a lot of pressure in what tattoo artists refer to as 'the ditch': the area on the inside of the arm opposite the elbow. Aside from wearing it while doing aerobics or just wearing it all winter I'm not sure how to break it in so that it's comfortable to ride in when the Polar Vortex relinquishes it's grip on riding season.
  4. Hit Los gauchos Saturday and the tacos were awesome, thanks for the tip jinu. The roads turned to shit so we stayed around polaris the rest of the day.horrible driving out the next day. Home now, and I ain't leaving for shit.
  5. Neat idea but dude needs to stop Making videos. Both of those could have been 2 min long without him rambling and repeating himself.
  6. End of day 1. Checked In, relaxed a bit and went to iron pony. Bought a Joe rocket atomic 2.0 jacket for $239 (clearance rack bitches) and some nice A* gloves. Hit german village. Dinner at shmidts or however the fuck. Awesome sausage. Killer deserts. Went to dave and busters and was fucking pissed about the place being full of kids. They don't show kids in the commercials. Went next door to the pub. Snooty fucking place, stole some glassware. Turns out the hilton has a shuttle service that takes us anywhere inside a 5 mile radius and since I hate down town and hate driving in snow that's probably gonna be our modus operandi this weekend. Got drunk as hell in the hotel bar on booze I snuck in, jokes on them. time to sleep it off.
  7. After working most of my adult life in machine shops and factories and the 2 years I spent as a weekend bouncer in a dive bar that booked punk and metal bands my hearing is less than great. I'm sure riding without plugs for several years didn't help. I try to wear them all the time but I dont.
  8. It's not just the cost savings. It's much safer than smoking, you don't fucking stink all the time, it doesn't yellow your teeth or fingers, you don't have to go out into the cold or heat and tastes much better.
  9. I'm sure people are already figuring out how to put a cbr1000rr front end on it.
  10. Creative. http://www.leenks.com/link471993.html
  11. I've ordered parts there. Every time I go in I drool over a few nice bikes. Inevitably a salesman will approach. I tell him I'm just dreaming and he counters with 'I make dreams come true' or some such bullshit. They usually back of when I inform them my credit is so bad I can't get s library card.
  12. When I first saw this thread I abstained from posting. Then I saw a few comments and still abstained. then I drank. I have both called magz out on his bullshit AND agreed and even defended...well kind of defended him....well vocally agreed with him. Magz is a dick. He may not intentionally be a dick, it could be his nature...or a genetic disease...He has his opinions on a lot of political issues, and tho they may seen inconsistent, misguided or in some cases convoluted or contradictory they are his and he has the balls to express them....He arguably takes the Lion's share of shit on here...which he may bring upon himself...unless we get a noob trying to enlist members in an Mc or other nonsense...but he takes it and stands his fucking ground and doesn't let the fact that most of the core members of this forum want 5 minutes alone with him in a room full of hammers stop him and still invites those same judgemental pricks to his place every fucking summer for a huge party. We've had our differences and he says stupid shit and so do I and most of you other slack jawed meat-gazers. He's a dick, but he's our dick. I'll ride with him, I'll have a beer with him and hell, maybe I'll fist fight him. What I won't do is bully or demean him for being a dick.
  13. Ok so I got my innoken itaste 3.0 vv/vw today and it's pretty awesome. Detects the resistance of your atomizer and displays it, keeps count of how many hits you take and lets you tune either voltage or wattage. It's a ppass through and charges via micro usb which means when it dies you can plug it in and vape without waiting for it to charge. It's got a 3 color led button; green, yellow and red depending on the state of the battery. It runs my protank 3 like a champ and when I swap to a different tank I can quickly check the ohms on the coil and adjust the wattage or voltage accordingly. retails for $50-60. Got it on ebay for $28 and it got to my door in 4 business days.
  14. I Shoulda asked to trade bikes for a while when we were riding...to remind myself why I should not own a liter supersport.
  15. We are so going to get strongly worded emails on facebook tomorrow.
  16. Ah. Gotta love the liter v twin supersport...I miss the power my tl had but not the punishment it meeted out on my back and neck.
  17. Lol....careful now, she scours the internet on a regular basis looking for people mentioning her name...right after she scours the gaps in the couch cushions for m&m's.
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