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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Yeah, the articles I see from them online usually aren't very well written or about anything cool. It's shit like "how not to look like a poser" or "things guys say when they spend too much time at the track"...
  2. Ok sounds like I have my work cut out for me...now to pick a hilton....
  3. We like dive bars. Lmao at Tim. ..you are officially out of touch. Pick up your gold wing and your golden buckeye card at the door.
  4. Well I started when I was like 12..my brain wasn't yet fully formed.
  5. I appreciate the suggestion but I have a couple artists I've been working with the past 12 or so years and tend to stick with them...and this trip is gonna be expensive enough without a $250 tattoo.
  6. So I've decided that I don't want to smoke till I die from it and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the privilege. I went and got a fancy vaporizer because my sister went that route and hasn't smoked in nearly a year. I posted about it on facebook and an old friend of mine hipped me to a book by Allen carr called 'stop smoking the easy way'. It takes an interesting angle on quitting and has a reported 95% success rate with over 11 million copies sold world wide. It guarantees that by the end of the book you will not only quit, but quit for good and enjoy doing it. It addresses the more important brainwashing that we smokers have been subjected to that makes us think that we need to smoke, that we enjoy it, that it does anything or holds any value to us and addresses the fear we have of living without cigarettes. I've tried to quit several times, with the patch, chantix, cold turkey etc...This is the first time I have a positive outlook on my success. I'm only 65% through the book but I've only smoked maybe 6 cigarettes the last 4 days. It's available on Kindle for $7. I can't speak as yet to its total efficacy but plan on finishing it in the next day or two. If it works for me, it can work for you or maybe someone you love. I hope to put out my last cigarette soon and never look back.
  7. I get pop mech and pop sci in print form every month. The ads are much easier to ignore.
  8. I'm pretty heavily covered with memorial and motorcycle themed tattoos, my woman not so much.
  9. Instead of exchanging gifts this year my fiancé and I are spending the money on a short local trip. We're looking at Columbus partly because I need to go to iron pony and get some new gear for next season and partly because it's a fairly large city only a few hours away and there should be plenty to do...we just don't know exactly what...especially in the dead of winter. So far we're looking at dave and busters and maybe the funny bone...would like to hit some good restaurants and hopefully find a good bar somewhat close to our hotel...so what's good down in the Capitol city?
  10. Was aggressively advertised to after 3 seconds on the site. Article is stretched to 11 pages so they can advertise to you even more. I hate sites like that.
  11. No shit sherlock...it was a joke.....smh.
  12. I've had at least 2 bikes for the last 3 years...
  13. If someone hasn't already they should set up a donation account with any major bank in their names so that people can donate cash without mailing a check etc...
  14. Hmmm...If dust us comprised mostly of skin and dust mites, and dust is falling on the earth from space at that rate....
  15. All flavored whiskey is an abomination. There's a reason they put a cork in the bottle: it's done. Quit fucking with my liquor. Soulless liquors like vodka are ok to flavor but not whiskey. I know, it's just a cash grab the liquor companies are trying to get their brand to appeal to a larger base by making it taste like something else...but it's sacrilegious imho.
  16. Once I chugged some chocolate milk before going out to celebrate a promotion with some friends....The first shot of Jameson turned that shit to cottage cheese in my gut. Dairy and booze are strange bedfellows....
  17. Or use Google wallet anywhere with NFC scanners.
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