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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Guess so...I'd be down if it were cheaper but we're already in cbus on a mini trip, in a hilton, eating out every meal and hitting bars at night and another $106 on top of that kinda hurts, especially for half an hour of enjoyment. Wanted to go mostly to put faces to some of these names I've been interacting with the past 2.5 years. I'm not missing the point tho.
  2. Yes it matters. I can go to sluggers and putters and ride 5 hp carts for $5/10 min race vs almost $20 at this place so I'm looking for the experience to be more exhilarating to justify the cost. If speed didn't matter we would be racing lawn mowers or power wheels.
  3. What kind of speed are we talking here? What motors are in these karts?
  4. I'd like to know what the cause of death was for the one guy....Steven Segal style neck break? Karate kid style nose into brain cavity palm or roadhouse style trachiectomy?
  5. I want to do this but am having issues with the math... $53 sounds like a lot of money for 30 minutes on a gokart.
  6. There's a lesson to be leaned here: Don't wear underwear. Freeballin since 07. Also don't talk shit about someone's mom if he can take you. Discretion is the better part of valor.
  7. Dry navy beans fly better than rock salt, hurt just as much and don't fuck up your barrel.The more you know
  8. Honda standards are a joy to wrench on.
  9. I'm actually going to be in town that day for a little mini vacation with the sammich maker....If I can persuade her we may just make it.
  10. Gotcha. I try and pack small as possible, more room for meat and booze.
  11. Sweet. Woot has a camping hammock with mosquito net for $25 right now, I have one and it takes up about 1/3 the size of a 2 man dome tent when packed up.
  12. I still don't see sharia law as any threat to the US. Case in point: that Amish guy samuel yoder...or maybe it was Yost. ..The one that went on a beard shaving rampage because some members of the church weren't living to his expectations. He was found guilty in a court of assault because you can't go around pretending the laws of your religious sect supercede that of the land. Any attempt by Islamic clerics to impose their own laws and justice will be met with the same efforts provided they are reported.
  13. I'm down derek. Come my way and we can go ride barstools at quaker steak. Tear up some wings, drink a fee beers and stare at the bartenders ass.
  14. I have muslim friends. Some are 2nd or 3rd generation US and some are fotb. What pokey says about sharia law isn't exactly true. Some of my friends scoff at it, view it as an antiquated fanatic interpretation. One guy follows certain points, like being forbidden to pay interest (he bought his gsxr 1000 back when Zook was having the 0% sale) but not other points (his wife has a job, drives, does not wear a ha jibe etc..) tell me pokey, where do you get your info from on muslims? Is it from a book that had an obvious agenda against them and cites only things that back up that agenda? You seem to have a very narrow world view. Go out, meet new people of different cultures and religions, talk to them about their beliefs...you can't learn everything from books.
  15. Do want but not in the budget rt now. Need to flip a bike or two come spring.
  16. I'm sure the same was said about fiberglass, aluminum alloys and magnesium by others in the past. Some people are into the newest lightest strongest materials and others are good with iron and steel.
  17. Yep all the same block. If I bought this I'd swap in a bandit 1200 hydraulic clutch, bolts right in from the look of it.
  18. Ok. Booked the polaris hilton for the weekend of the 25th. Will try and hit as many of these spots as we can.
  19. Progressive insured my tl 1000s and vt1100 for a little over $100/yr.
  20. When someone explains to me how these Muslims are going to overturn a cornerstone of our constitution and enact sharia law, basically a theocracy in our country then I'll view it as a credible threat. Until then it's just the newest brand of McCarthyism.....a resurrected red scare. Get a hold of yourselves.
  21. Kats are good bikes and easy to work on. The motors are stupid easy to rebuild.
  22. Ok...I already have 2 project bikes going right now but this would be hard to pass up...
  23. Damn that's a haul. Interested in meeting in the middle in cuy falls or stow?
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