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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. My fiancé doesn't eat beef or pork so I make mine with ground chicken. Can't tell the difference. I've had several people eat it and they were surprised afterwards to learn it was chicken .
  2. Use beer instead of v8. Something flavorful, yuengling lager at least. Use only fresh peppers, I like bushes best hot Chilli beans in gravy instead of plain kidneys. Little brown sugar is good to break the acidity of the tamoatoes. If it's too runny stir in tomato paste half a can at a time but remember to add chili powder to balance the flavor. Lots of onions and bell peppers, I typically cook half with the meat and dump the rest in the pot or crock. Shit tons of minced garlic...add too much and then add more.
  3. Must be logged in to access the page you linked.
  4. Bandit 1200 does everything pretty well. 100 hp stock, 120 piped and jetted. Wind protection is decent, givi makes a touring pack for it, with some cheap upgrades the suspension can handle spirited sport riding, lovely low end power for in town commuting, decent ergos for long rides, and it was pretty much made for hooliganism with 80 lbs of torque. You can't roll on 1st gear without standing one up. It's maybe not super awesome stock but there is a lot of potential to be unlocked in the motor and a busa shock bolts right in. The motors are goddamn bullet proof and easy to work on and parts are shared between 2 generations of gsxr, almost all katanas and 2 generations of bandits so if you fuck something up, ebay has you covered.
  5. Swap in gsxr 600 cams and ppossibly pistons and you've got a decent sleeper after pipes pods jets and ignition advance.
  6. Ugh....I'm not buying another goddamn leather vest.
  7. Would you two just have dirty poopy gay sex and get it over with? And film that shit for the track day crowd.
  8. It's been my experience that the people who make the most important purchases and decisions concerning floor processes are so far removed from the actual work being done and the consequences of their decisions that they never really figure out how fucking clueless they are. Then again I work for an aerospace company that has been making profit by accident for decades solely because they can charge a fuck ton of money for their products.
  9. Also, I've lived on much less than 22k per year, it's called living within your means...I had a $450 truck and lived in a 520/month apartment with a roommate. I didn't eat out much and drank cheap beer at home we didn't have cable, Internet or smartphones with data plans and we got our groceries at aldi and savalot.
  10. Oops, didn't look closely enough at the chart, e3 with 2 or less yrs service gets 1780 or thereabouts a month. My mistake. http://www.militaryfactory.com/military_pay_scale.asp
  11. $22,000....for contrast an e3 in the service makes about $17,000. Drafting these bums would be cheaper.
  12. ^this. You could put a strobe light on your helmet but it wouldn't make a difference if the dipshit isn't looking at you.
  13. Go for what you know paulie. (Jesus blowjob scooter joke).
  14. It's pretty much the same thing. Licking cocks has just as much to do with fixing motorcycles as jebus does.
  15. I'd rather not be proselytized to. Good reference tho, lots of good info in here for noobies.
  16. There's a family in my city, dad drives an ambulance, mom is unemoloyed, they have 8 kids and can't afford xmas. She posted on a Facebook virtual garage sale page asking if anyone knew of an organization that adopts families for the holidays. Of course she will need to be vetted but sounds like a good family to help out.
  17. http://my.chicagotribune.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-78388328/ He wasn't even driving.
  18. I feel like I got hit by a bus full of AA meetings and I'm on my third shit of the morning. Gotta love the holidays.
  19. Sorry no. As hard as I try I can't remember ever snapping poloroids of my food back in the day. I guess that lack of photophilia followed me to this day. I did enjoy eating the bird with my family, if that counts for something. I have some leftovers. ..I could post pics but I just ate the last of them. So in conclusion I get shithouse wasted and devour turkey day lefties like it's my fuckin job son. Thanks for playing.
  20. My bird was a hit. So juicy. Very little leftovers sadly. Will brine from now on.
  21. Ok. I've been emailing him even tho I already have 2 project bikes but I promise I will hold off and give you first crack at it. I may be a dick but I'm not an asshole.
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