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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. If only I had known about this sooner, I live too far away not to camp but already have plans with the wifey for the weekend. Shitty.
  2. So lets do this, Sept or Oct. Would prefer somewhere within 2 hrs of home. Lookin at just a one-nighter, leave sat morning, come home Sunday.
  3. So, this gonna happen? I've been wanting to do a short touring /camping trip to shake down my equipmunk.
  4. Airtech if you don't mind painting it and drilling all the mounting holes. I had a fiberglass airtech r1 kit on my old fzr, looked great, was light weight and including fender was only 4 pieces total.
  5. Which would make sense if the red cross payed your charity forward and gave the shit out, but they profit millions of dollars from it. I'm all for altruism, but not when the middleman is taking a cut.
  6. Awe, you Asians are so cute when you're mad....Lmao.
  7. Burn the Fucker down. There will he plenty of used groms on the market in a year when the neato factor wears off and people realize they bought a clown bike.
  8. Its a racket. You GIVE them your blood for FREE and they sell it to hospitals who mark it up and sell it to you. Ever had a transfusion? Costs hundreds of dollars for a pint of blood. I used to sell my plasma, $60 extra a week to sit and read with a needle in my arm for an hour. They then sell that same quart of plasma for like $1500.
  9. Too late, buying a brand new recon 19 from riders discount. $72 shipped, could not pass it up.
  10. And everything on this page: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/r/robert_a_heinlein.html
  11. I pity people who don't drink, when they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -frank Sinatra.
  12. Ill change my screen name to something 'less gay' if everyone promises not to post spaghetti boob pics ever again.
  13. Looks like I got a good deal on mine. I think its a 511....takes 2 N cells. No fitted case. I paid like $250 for it but that was like 3 years ago.
  14. I'm done renting corn after about 12 hrs.
  15. Bada ba ba ba, I'm poopin it.
  16. Only one way to settle this. West side story style rumble.
  17. Hey fuck you buddy, all I've ever seen you do on here is get into pissing contests so I don't wanna hear it. I told Sebastian Bach here very politely he was being rude and rude new guys get chewed up pretty quickly. Instead he chose to argue. Idgaf if the bike was owned by one 80 yr old woman and has 500 miles, I'm checking the oil. As for a mic, work on your reading comprehension, he had the clutch done at the dealer and they just told him they needed replaced. Any reputable shop is going to have a set of mics or calipers, would it be that hard for the tech to show him the steels were worn beyond limits? Bottom line is this guy has one bad experience with a dealer over mostly things he should either have checked or has no right to be mad about, the ecu/butterfly issue notwithstanding. then comes here and wants to use his 8th post ever to try and influence us not to go there based mostly on his ineptitude as a shopper and feeling entitled to a full tank of gas. I call shenanigans on that.
  18. Eh, they should have brought you the steels and a Mic and the service manual and shown you they were bad. I've only ever had to replace the steels in one bike, and it was a 72 cb500. Still think you got taken for a ride and now you're pissed you didn't check this shit, but your ego won't let it be your fault...I haven't seen you take responsibility for one thing you should have checked. Who test rides a bike without putting the coal to it to see if the clutch slips? Who would even buy a bike that looked like it had no oil in it? A guy that really really wanted that particular bike and got sold by a salesman.
  19. Which rapid transit? Feel like selling?
  20. As far as the tire pressure goes, there are variations between gauges. At our shop the tire pressure gauges have to be calibrated every three months, per FAA regs and that only guarantees them to be within +/- 1 psi. I could definitely see a difference of three between two different gauges possible. Also, air expands and contracts with ambient temp and the temp of the tire, so there's another variable. As far as only having 1.5 gal of fuel, its a dealership not a circle-k. They have to have someone on the clock take the bike to a gas station to fill it up. Costs money. Costs time.
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