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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. They censored the word 'bastard'. Wtf....I'm allowed to post now tho. They want you to post three times in the welcome section to see if you're a spam bot.
  2. Glad I could help guys. I'm waiting for that gammo pellet gun to go back up on woot.
  3. Getting 3. http://sport.woot.com/offers/crkt-pazoda-folding-knife-2?utm_source=Daily+Digest&utm_campaign=893633056b-Daily+Digest+-+20121116+-+Home.Woot&utm_medium=email#tracked
  4. Now that I think about it its not el campesino on Arlington, its el Rincon.
  5. Donnie Brown at tree city tattoo in stow.
  6. Try el rodeo. It's on Lincoln way east in a plaza by home depot. The campasino. In massillon does indeed blow, way different than the Akron one. There's another beaner place downtown called margaritas but I've only had it once and was not impressed. There's also a place farther down lincoln way towards canton but I forget the name. El rodeo is pretty solid tho.
  7. El campasino on south Arlington in Akron is bitchin too. I would get the 3 beef tacos for $5, and order the shells on the side. They give you enough beef, cheese and lettuce to make your 3 tacos and enough left over to make a kick ass plate of nachos out of the huge bag of chips they give you.
  8. Video needs to be longer....so I can finish. :wackit:
  9. That's what happens when power-hungry people get to run something. If only we could export our philosophy to other sites....
  10. Oh well. I got kicked off the fzarchive forums in two days because a mod censored my post and I e-mailed him and said I would try to avoid bruising any more egos or offending tender sensabilities in the future...he must have detected my hint of sarcasm.
  11. My fave was always el burrito al roquetta. Translation: rocket burrito. True to its name, it exited at a scorching, bowl-splashing velocity. Had I not made it to the porcelain in time it would have taken a ballistic trajectory.
  12. First off: how do you not know the difference between a prosecutor and a judge? Their titles explain what they do....if you can't figure it out then google. Double-check the speed limit where you passed them, take pictures. It's possible you were in a 35 and they wrote a different street name down with a lower limit. Next time don't open the door at all. Cops have to get YOU on the bike, not a guy in an apartment with a bike matching the description in the lot. Even then, you don't have to open the door for them without a warrant. Don't you know your fucking rights? Get your ducks in a row, get docs that prove valid insurance on date of incident, go to court fully prepared to get piped in the turdcutter anyway.
  13. If you don't mind the trip marcellitas in twinsburg is good, if its even still open. In Akron aztecca was always one of my faves, its on east market. I don't get a lot of authentic Mexican any more, too much starch for my Diabetus to handle. Been hitting chipotle up for burrito bowls tho, makes for a hot, loud night in my pants and corn-studded logs the next day.
  14. Lol.....oh well, at least I have my own little freak show here at ORDN. Ah, the freedom. Fuck fuckity fucktard balls shit cunt
  15. Wow....in my intro post I said I look forward to shooting the shit with like-minded riders....the mod censored it. Wtf....
  16. Askhole: noun, a person who asks for advice and then does or indicates he will do the exact opposite. I'm done giving good advice to that askhole, he never follows it.
  17. Joined a Honda shadow owners forum, as I do with every bike I buy. What a control fest! Your posts have to be approved by a moderator before going up. I bet its populated mostly by wanna be pirates.
  18. I want one of these: http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/80239
  19. Wow, we simply don't have room enough in out cupboards and fridge for all that sauce. I don't brush on sauce while grilling very often, more of a fan of dry rubs and vinegar-based marinades.
  20. I'll look out for Stubbs but it will be a while, just re-upped on sbr this weekend.
  21. Sweet baby rays is about the best BBQ sauce I've found in stores. I've considdered trying to make.my own sauce but don't know where to start...
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