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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. My fiance and I shop weekly and spend about $120 each trip. No kids, 2 cats, a big dog and a sprite zero addiction. In addition we go out every Saturday and drop $50 or so on dinner and another $50 or so at the bar. Sunday usually begins with a $17 breakfast out, as neither of us feel like cooking. So between Saturday night and Sunday afternoon we drop about $240 on food and drinks. We don't eat cheap processed crap, I'm a diabetic so I can't eat a lot of the cheaper starch rich foods out there...I also treat myself to one ~$12 steak a week, which I cook at work on a foreman.
  2. Also, 28 inch seat height for your stubby ass.
  3. You should look into a magna if you want a comfy v4 with lots of power. My dad has an 84 700 magna, comfy enough to ride all day and will smoke most other cruisers but with a silky smooth shaft-driven power delivery. The later generations have improved looks and engine design.
  4. The only currently manufactured v4 mills I know of are the honda st1300....unless they still produce the magna. Aprillia made a v4 for a while, as did Yamaha and Suzuki...come to think about it Yamaha started making vmax again, but that's a 1200. Suzuki had the madura and honda had the saber, interceptor and magna in sizes from 500 to 1100. Vfr800 is a superb piece of engineering, great power, handling and comfort. I would trade my tl1000 for one in a heartbeat.
  5. Sorry, not wasting a roofie on Derek.
  6. My union usually rattifies contracts in 4 year increments. In '10 our contract was for up to 9/13 because of obammacare. It was not on the behalf of the union, it was the company hedging their bets to see if they could fuck us into worse healthcare. Our local is so weak that we basically have to accept these deals because we can't afford to strike. In the 6 years I've worked there my coverage has gotten worse despite having the 'cadillac' plan, and my co-pay has gone up 70%. Also, when I hired in we had 3 choices of provider: Aetna, summa and hometown. Now we have 3 choices of Aetna. Hmo, ppo low and ppo high. Don't even get me started on our shitty dental coverage. When obamacare comes into full swing we will be up against a wall, faced with less coverage, higher premiums and a govt fine if we opt out. Fucking bastards.
  7. Wanna hear a dude with an incredible voice singing hilarious songs? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/to0v5ydaybtdvsl/VbjTBRezfG I hope we can all agree that nickleback is just fucking horrible and sucks hobo cock for cigarette money. If you disagree with that statement please kill your family before dissolving your worthless carcass in a hotel bathtub full of lye.
  8. You can come get drunk with me and my fiance. Even have a spare bedroom for ya.
  9. Mushroomheads album superbuick was about their best work. 'never let go' and 'these filthy hands' are awesome pieces of lyrical genius.
  10. Internet bullies win again. They do have a good point tho. Better safe than a greasy stain on the road.
  11. Non-driver. He's the asshole. Signs signs everywhere the signs.....
  12. Cud from mudvayne is up there too. I heard he was in the Vienna boys choir or some shit, either way he can sing and scream and does both extremely well....and the music is technical and complex, something you can't say about stone sour or balloonknot.
  13. Got mine last night, going to keep one and have the other two engraved for my future fil and bil.
  14. He actually founded stone sour first, slipknot just took off first, he then used his slipknot fame to springboard stone sour. Mushroomhead > slipknot.
  15. Can't blame ya there. Idk how close you are to Isaacs papa but he does great work, just bring him some special brownies....
  16. Forget the model, its one of the single-stroke high power deals with built in surpressor. Good deal for $100. Someone here started a thread, I'm sure if you search woot and gammo you'll find it.
  17. Ok, these people are idiots. So far there have been like 6 threads of people with the same problem. 'bike sputters and dies' etc....its called a carb clean. Then I start a thread to see if there's a way to put dual disks on the front or swap a disk for the drum out back. Some retard replies that "too much brake is IMO a bad thing" and goes on to suggest I leave more clear distance and learn to maneuver my bike. Seriously capt. Fuckstick?
  18. But.....I don't wanna be a pirate.....I wanna be a ninja.
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