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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Lose power or gyro fails at a stop and you go down.
  2. "man, you seen ray-ray? Dude owe me fie dolla! Imma take the 21 cross town to his sister house, see where dat muh fucka at!" Valuable intelligence for sure.
  3. Tell him to stop drinking Pepsi and eating tums. Both have been linked to kidney stones. My brother had em bad for a while, quit drinking Pepsi and they went away. I know correlation isn't causation but there is a casual link there.
  4. Just hit the CNN link. In the comments some dicksack named 'angel' is attributing this to polar shifts and 12/21/12.... "there will be a lot of pipelines snapping due to internal changes in the earth etc..." I guess nobody told her these lines aren't burried anywhere near the internal part of the earth, or that if it was from magnetic forces, we would be seeing our cars, ovens etc deforming as well.
  5. The fact that in the first page all the s's are f's and in the second page some are and some aren't leads me to judge this as a forgery. Also, he doesn't describe the variety of hops used or the malt for that matter. I've never heard of using liccorice in a porter recipe, its usually just some light, patent and chocolate roasted malted barley, hops, water and yeast.
  6. When I used to play bass, and carry a pager, the right combo of effect pedals and proximity of the pager to the pickups in the bass guitar would result in, no shit, Mexican fucking radio.
  7. Nickleback song gave me a sad....video was funny tho.
  8. Best I ever saw was on a condom machine in a bar. "insert baby for refund".
  9. The company I work for built a few plants in non-union Kentucky and Mexico and outsourced a large portion of our manufacturing, assembly and shipping jobs down there. The kentuckians make about 60% of what we do, the Mexicans about 10%. Scrap rates are at an all time high, but with the money they save on labor they can afford 80% scrap rates and still profit. Mind you, before all this outsourcing started my company was making 25% clear profit on over $30,000,000 a month.
  10. Derp. You ever notice a fucking swimming pool glowing at night? These look perfect for my 3rd world shack made from found materials and bazooka Joe bubblegum.
  11. Banks usually freeze credit cards when they notice unusual activity on them....like charges from a foreign country. You can notify your bank ahead of time that you will be out of.country to prevent this.
  12. Yep, betting they go 'may issue' and end up not issuing.
  13. Union busting, plain and simple. Now a minority of stalwart union guys will have to foot the bill for everyone, more free riders every year, union goes bankrupt and can no longer afford to bargain with the company, company no longer has to offer higher wages and benefits. The working man ultimately loses.
  14. Sweet. If you still have it Friday ill probably bite.
  15. I think I wear an xl in icon helmets, do you know how they run in comparrison to suomy?
  16. I have plenty of work to keep me busy this weekend. Gotta finish building my honda cafe motor and repairthe damage from my wreck on the tl.
  17. I've been brewing for over ten years. That kit looks nice, definitely has everything you need. Don't waste money on their 'one step, no rinse' sanitizer. They charge like $11/4oz. It's just oxyclean, you can get a 2 pound tub of that shit for $6.99 at the store.
  18. I could probably be riding the shadow but no tag and needs tires badly. I don't like riding in weather colder than 50 or so, and if you ride after they salt the roads you're just nuts.
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