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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Kz900, you are probably the most ignorant fucktard I've come into contact with this week. Carl sagan Wasn't a science fiction writer, he was a scientist. If you can't read his works its because you are way beneath them. Please please please never procreate.
  2. Wish I had a road-worthy bike....anyone got a loaner?
  3. Have fun with him rhill, I'm done beating my head against that wall.
  4. I'll agree to disagree with you on this, its just going nowhere. You want it to remain a criminal problem, I want it to become a health issue. You want imprisonment, I want treatment. Neither of us are going to budge, so I'm calling it quits.
  5. What do you do for a living? You say you arrest people, but you're not a cop, your profile says 'security' Are you a mall ninja?
  6. Smh......look man, this problem is not going to go away. We've been wasting billions of tax dollars on this un-winnable war on drugs and it hasn't effected one change. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always had. What we've always had is a huge prison population of non-violent drug offenders, truckloads of money wasted on drug task forces, lives ruined over simple posession by the mandatory minimum and three strike laws, and the whole time its just pushing more money into.the hands of drug cartels. What we've been doing isn't fucking working man. It's time to try something else.
  7. Cooter, the fact that irresponsible people are already using drugs in an irresponsible manner with them being illegal does not serve as evidence that more people will do the same if they are legal. I for one am not a proponent of legalizing every drug, having tried them all I definitely feel some should not be on the open market. My point is this: your arguments ate at the best, sloppily laced together with examples of your own unique experience. What countries like Denmark and Luxembourg have found out is that drug abuse will always exist, by decriminalizing drugs they turn it from a law enforcement issue to a health issue. Instead of jailing people who can't handle their shit, they treat them. And it works!
  8. I wonder how much you want for it....
  9. Your fuckup retard friends are responsible for their lives, not a plant. Why does such a large segment of society shift the blame from the person worthy of it and supplucate and make apologies for them? What happened to taking responsibility for your own actions? No, can't do that, better blame the drugs that these people CHOSE to abuse and ultimately CHOSE over success. If pot didn't exist I'm sure these burnouts would be fucking corporate executives. If only that damn weed hadn't forced them to smoke it. Fuck fuckity-fuck fuck fuck.
  10. Yes, but it was not stated that getting high and running headlong naked into cruisers should be, nor was it suggested that any irresponsible behavior in public be encouraged. Your video is catagorically irrelevant to the discussion. While not expressed it can be reasonably inferred that these proposed legal drugs be enjoyed responsibly in the home be people who can handle their shit. I bet there are plenty of videos of people doing much worse things than leaving their junkprint on the hood of a cruiser while drunk.
  11. Most people who don't smoke but would like to (myself included) abstain because of drug testing at work. While its possible that some places would switch from a piss test to a cheek swab, which only goes back 72 hours, most places would probably keep the whiz quiz. For a casual user pot is out of your system in a few weeks, for a chronic smoker its up to 45 days. While some people would (and do already) gamble with the system and hit a bong once in awhile, most will likely abstain even after its legalized.
  12. Cooter, are you dense? You seem a little thick-headed.
  13. The operative word in cooter's above quoted statement is CHOOSE. These people made poor choices. They chose a substance over success. Pot didn't do that, they did. If pot didn't exist they would have chosen booze or blow or world of warcraft. Some people just don't have the motivation to do what's right for their future instead of what is satisfying now. It goes way beyond drugs. Food, sex, gambling, all these things can be enjoyed moderately with negligible consequences or abused for an instant gratification with destructive consequences in the future. The problem lies with the person, not the vice.
  14. Why do people assume that prohibition equates to lessened use? Shit tons of people smoke pot already, and its against the law, has been for nearly a century. The law isn't stopping anyone from getting high. It just doesn't work, and when a law not only doesn't work, but provides fertile opportunity for violent black market activity, it needs to be changed. Legalizing pot will not result in scores of new users. There are 3 kinds of people: those that have no desire to try it, those who tried it and maybe smoked for a while and moved on, and those who tried it and continue to smoke.
  15. Would you two get it over with and fuck already?
  16. Right. And with a stable supply of legal pot dispensaries the dealers go out of business and it actually becomes harder for underage kids to get their hands on it.
  17. Brian is correct, pot is not physically addictive. There is no physiological detox symptom associated with quitting. You don't get dope sick, you don't get dt's, you don't get aches.
  18. This should end the lesser of two evils argument: you can literally drink yourself to death. Enough alcohol in your system will poison and kill you. Nobody has ever smoked themselves to death. You cannot overdose on pot. So what is safer? Something with the potential for fatal overdose or something without that potential? Btw, I don't smoke pot anymore, more of a drinker but I see no reason why it shouldn't be legalized.
  19. Buildit, you need to understand something. legalizing it will not magically create smokers from non-smokers. Most studies show that use among teens goes down after decriminalization.
  20. Ok.....long time since any update. Guides were eh...within spec. Installed new seals, lapped the valves back in, figured out how the spring shims work (i think) and built the head tonight. Now that I have a work area in the basement I can actually build the engine this winter. The head.
  21. Law enforcement and subsidies for prisons are a negative cash flow. Incoming revenues from taxing pot sales is a positive cash flow. Right now the bulk of the smokers pot dollar is going into the black market and eventually funneled either into the pockets of Mexican gangs or cartells or the local green thumb. This has a nagative effect on the economy. Legal, taxed selling of weed would funnel that money into the govt and the local business owners of the dispensaries and their employees. Positive effect on the economy. Until its off the federal drug no-no list the federal govt shouldn't see a fucking dime. Let the tax revenue go to the city and state. Who wants to go open up a hydroponic grow store with me in Denver?
  22. Obummer reopened negotiations with the UN on the small arms treaty. These next four years could get ugly.
  23. Wow....hey kaamerad, snow + fast = crash. No Russians aren't the smartest people.
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