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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. You'll get your ass kicked by a girl! http://sports.yahoo.com/news/judo-star-reportedly-helps-nab-bottle-thrower-other-033500058--oly.html
  2. I'm 5'8 and.....portly.....so maybe large would fit well?
  3. Love the old delta box bikes, had a 600 for a while. Idk about the 580 motor....the fzr600 bolts right into the 400 frame, basically going from a steel frame to aluminum. Should be a face-raper on the track. I did a lot of work on my fizzer, would be glad to answer any questions.
  4. This doesn't make you special. Your protective headgear and penchant for licking windows on the struggle bus however does.
  5. Lol....high levels of entropy detected in this thread.
  6. Lol, congrats tim, glad it all worked out for you. Shitty, not every addict is some thieving, whoring gutter-dweller. I can see you have no experience in the matter, so it might be wise for you to back out of this convo rather than continue to argue from a position of ignorance.
  7. Thanks swingr and for the record, I never stole to support my habit. I worked 2 jobs and sold dope lol. Idgaf who mikexup is...
  8. Maybe this will scare him into riding with gear, but I doubt it.
  9. Well said. Sorry about the thread jack ya'll, Tim, I hope you fine a serious buyer soon, sorry we couldn't make a deal.
  10. Saw my Dr today and in just 2-1/2 weeks of changing my diet my a1c is down a point and a half. He doesn't want to put me on medication, says if we can continue the downward trend in my a1c for a few months and get it under control below 6.5 that I should be fine for a long time. Said to just treat beer as carbs and to allow myself a treat like ice cream once in a while. He said my day to day sugar simply isn't that important and that as long as my a1c is going down I'm good to go. Nice to hear some good news.
  11. Would love it but Hilliard is a long ride on a tl.
  12. I'll admit I'm not the most frugal person but getting 3 grand in my hand is not a problem. My temper isn't that bad, may seem like it sometimes but I'm not that big of a hot head and in general not a violent person. I appreciate you better explaining your statement, I ain't mad at ya.
  13. Whatever floats your boat. I had a 'friend' steal my entire vicodin scrip for my shoulder a few yrs back because he was a heroine addict. Do I still associate with him? Fuck no, but I forgive him and don't hold a grudge against him. Walking around being mad at people you're probably never going to see again isn't very productive or healthy. Grudges take up space in the heart, I have better things to fill mine with.
  14. Edited my first post on this because I mistakenly thought nick started the trash talking. Appoligies all around.
  15. Different situation. I haven't put anyone on here through hardships in the past due to my crazy partying days. And yeah, I think it would be healthy for you to forgive thus person and move in. No point in carrying a grudge around all your life.
  16. I'm not overreacting. If I'm going to be stigmatized by certain people based on my past, those people know who they are and can fuck right off.
  17. Drew, I've met quite a few awesome people on here and know that the majority of OR members are cool....nick could be a nice guy for all I know, but you're not going to get along with everyone.
  18. You ladies are worse than a seweing circle when you get together with your rumors. Shittygsxr, explain to me how having the will power and strength to overcome TWO incredibly strong addictions and stay clean for 7 years would somehow make me more likely to fuck someone over. You don't like me, that's fine. Keep my fucking name out of your mouth and we can continue to be civil.
  19. I wondered if anyone was gonna catch that line from spacegrass.

  20. I'd love a real Russian dragonov with optic, case etc....they're hard to find and very expensive. Was thinking of settling for a Romanian or chicom knock off.
  21. "two were kept for scientific study"yeah right.....some nerd is walking around Brazil right now in skinny jeans with one of those things taped to his thigh.
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