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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. For me its a matter of time managment. I work around 60 hrs a week on 2nd shift so I never see my sammich maker during the week and still have an unfinished engine build sitting on the bench, I'm more than capable of doing the job, just really can't make the time. I have however cleaned, lubed and adjusted my chain because it really only takes half an hour.
  2. Fine. Don't be a sissy. It's still an easy job.
  3. Baller status. We shall team up if the excrement should happen to impact the rotary blade assembly.
  4. If you were closer I would consider. Used to have a 7 foot Columbian red tail boa that was super tame, non aggressive. Miss having a large predator.
  5. Don't be a pussy. Begin your journey towards being a full-fledged motorcycle owner! Download the owners manual for your bike, it will detail how to clean, lube and adjust your chain. It's easy, can be done with minimal tools and will not only bring you closer to your machine, but will save you money. In general you clean with kerosene and a toothbrush, lube with jp1 or similar motorcycle chain lube and use the adjusters on the swing arm by the axle to set the sag at around an inch. Nothin to it.
  6. Redwings 2406, accept no substitutes. $200, will last about 6 years before they need re-soled, $75 later you get another 5 yrs out of them.
  7. Article states churches bankroll this....that's not socialism, its charity....
  8. Your battery is roached. Max recommended amps for a bike charger I think is 2. Has something to do with the discharge rate.
  9. Hmmm, kinda want these for when my d208's wear out...
  10. Not entirely sure I'm ready to part with Evelyn yet and I already have two bikes.....will think about it.
  11. Only knocking $500 off for an AR? GTFO. How much off for a bad-ass one? I'm talking Moe furniture, free float, eotech, flip ups etc...
  12. Interested in a 32. I offer $75 shipped.
  13. We should plan a group ride up there, camp or cheap motel, ride rollercoasters then drink lots of beer.
  14. Is a safety wobble anything like the wiggle dance
  15. Doesn't work on my HTC EVO view tablet or my HTC EVO LTE.
  16. I always run high beams during the day. Learned it from my dad when I was little, every time we would go for a ride he would put on the high beams and then reach out in front of the headlight and make sure it was shining on his hand. To me it makes sense; its bright enough that people notice you, but not so much brighter than the ambient light that it blinds people. Modulators definitely attract attention but can also distract.
  17. It lowers it, I checked Sat night. It also makes your cells more responsive to insulin the next day. Of course I'll be drinking in moderation, no more jagermeister benders for me.
  18. Thanks. Found out from my woman's bro in law that a fee light beers can lower my sugar and increase my insulin response the next day, so I will be living on steak and miller 64 from now on....lol. I am mentally geared up for this, I beat meth/coke addiction 7 yrs ago, so this should be a piece of cake.
  19. I drink v8 and grapefruit juice with breakfast, Dr pepper 10 and water during the day.
  20. Rat, fruit juice has a ton of carbs in it, and that's what I have to avoid. Even with no sugar added, orange juice has like 30 grams of carbs per 8 oz glass....that's almost a whole meal's worth.
  21. That's some good truth there van.
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