A guy at work found neighboring company's unsecure router and set up a repeater so we have WiFi in the shop. To prevent the it guy at the other place to see where we are logging on to and maybe figuring out who we are, he requires all devices to use VPN with encryption certificate.
Hey geeks, can any of you recommend a free VPN service and client for android? Hotspot shield isn't compatible with either my phone or tablet. I know I could try every service and spend the next week figuring out which one is actually free and works, or I can hope one of you has found one you like. EVO 4g LTE running ics and EVO view 4g running honeycomb. Thanks.
The helmet strapped to bike thing is usually for the ladies...at least the ones smart enough to demand a helmet before getting on. Feel bad for the guys family but in the words of every pirate I've had the helmet conversation with, "when its your time to go, its your time. A helmet isn't going to save you." Flawless logic.
Where is the oil leak? If its left side case you're probably looking at a clutch pushrod shaft seal which requires taking half the motor apart....genius engineers pressed it in from the inside of the motor....I love v4 Hondas, wish I had room for another project.
The hiccup is in the stock map, does it with stock cans, its one of the charming characteristics of the bike. Not saying it couldn't be running rich, it probably is a little. I'm sure zx14 pull like a a sombitch, but IMHO they are buttcrack ugly. I've heard of a tre on the forums, maybe worth looking into.
Gee nick, tell me how you really feel, then go find the guy that held you down and forced you to read every page of this thread and talk shit to him online like the super-tough guy you are. I started this thread to get some opinions from other people who have owned both v2 and i4 sportbikes. Next time ill just pm you because you obviously have all the answers. Tim, I'm on tlplanet, screen name skullcrusher.
Yeah, I find that hiccup quite often, especially when rolling from half to wot at 7k in 2nd gear....she does kick like a mule. Maybe after I get the tank painted to match the rest of the bike ill see what I can get for her, if I can turn a profit I may sell...one thing is for sure, no more carbs and nothing smaller than a 750.
It's got 17k and change on it, according to factory service manual the valve clearance should be inspected at 15. Could probably use tb sync, the tps appears to be adjusted correctly. I may need plugs and wires, haven't really dove in there yet. Bike doesnt look too easy to work on, especially the back jug. Looked at the cost of a set of valve shims vs just paying a shop, might as well have my local guy do it. With work as busy as it is (12's and weekends) it may be a while before I get to it. Don't think aftermarket cans on stock header with stock map makes much difference.
Brian, $600 includes dyno tune and gas to Cbus and back. Issac, I keep my r's above 3500, actually I cruise right around 3500-4000. I know where the rough spots are and where the power is, after all I ride the bike daily. I don't like having to avoid the rough spots and shitty factory mapping. I don't like that my bike stalls sometimes if I'm not feathering the clutch at low speeds (a problem I never had on 4's). Excuseme for assuming that tuning was to increase hp, I was mislead by every dyno slip I've ever seen and product names like "power commander".
Factory headers, aftermarket bolt on cans. I thought about getting a pc3 and having it dyno tuned but hesitant to drop $600 for what may be a meager hp gain. I'm sure a re map would smooth it out but not sure it would be worth it. Aftermarket headers are expensive as hell and hard to find for the tl.
Maybe if you're doing 70 in 3rd gear. In top gear at 70 my old 600 was at like 6k rpm with about 1/4 throttle. At 1/4 throttle you are using the pilots and maybe a little main but at such low throttle its your needle clip setting and your needle jet more than main. Revs don't matter when trouble shooting a carb, throttle position does
Maybe its the fuel injection characteristics that make it feel less smooth. It's very on-off. Very hard at low speeds to go from no throttle to just a little, bike gets very jerky unless you clutch back into first from 5mph or so. Makes turning the corner onto my street and pushing the garage door opener in my jacket pocket at the same time a challenge. I do like the bike, its got great power and all that, just don't know if I'm in love with it. Tim, what mods do you have on yours?
Doubtful plugs are the problem. If your plugs were fouled it wouldn't even start. Carb cleaning is super easy, get on a ninja forum and I'll guarantee they have a step by step tech write up on how to do it. I use a muffin pan to keep all the pieces organized. You can always do one at a time so you can look at a complete unit if you forget how it goes back together.