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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Yeah, in retrospect using my halo gamer tag from 2002 as my screen name on all the forums I joined was a poor idea.
  2. Lol, it's what people who, through their own ignorance, don't know my name tend to refer to me as on here, because typing is hard That assumption is correct unless the pay is just too good to pass up.
  3. Shit, now I know I've been gone too long. People have forgotten what a dickhead I am and just think I was funny.
  4. Hey fuckers I'm back. Miss me? Been busy with lots of shit and just haven't been on here in a while. Couple quick updates for the 2 people who care: While trailering my bikes to storage a strap broke and both my bandit and my vintage Honda build went over the front of the trailer. The bandit got the worst of it, Honda just got a few scuffs. Guy who's truck and trailer it was is gonna make it right, so I get new fairings and windshield and whatever else got fucked up. The $150 ugly piece of shit magna of course was unscathed. Looking at a layoff soon and I'm definitely open to any options in the Akron canton area. I specialize in manufacturing and quality control but if the pay is right, I'll wash your grandma. No I didn't take any pics of the bikes. Are we doing the monthly meet for pizza or dinner or whatever in NEO again this year?
  5. Make sure your lever free play is set correctly.
  6. Ok. I'll contact him this week and see if he wants the job. If he does I'll pm you his # and you can take it from there.
  7. My uncle does body work and paint/powder coat on bikes out of his basement on the side. He's painted 3 of my bikes and a few for my friends. What part of Ohio are you in? He's in uniontown.
  8. Remember the freedom boner all the conservatives had for that fat bag of ugly down in Kentucky that refused to issue marriage licences to get couples, and how they celebrated her protesting and standing up for what she believed in? Those same people are now citing the league rules regarding conduct during the anthem, clutching their pearls and shouting 'shame'. Shoe, I'd like to introduce you to the other foot.
  9. And also explain how the anthem suddenly became just about vets?
  10. Lol, everyone pissed about the anthem while they break the us flag code on the field by displaying the flag flat to the ground. It should only ever be displayed free and flying. Same goes for all the fuckin 'murica apparel that is American flag print. Also against us flag code.
  11. I'll be quite drunk tonight. Another time maybe. What kind of riding do you like to do? Where do you normally ride?
  12. I live on the northeast side of Massillon. I'm down to ride sometime.
  13. Ok, wiring harness is on, new air box is on, new starter relay is on. Bike starts right up now. Just need to replace rectifier and stator plug and the heavy lifting will be done.
  14. Yeah, apparently before they figured out it killed you in a slow and particularly gruesome and painful way they made fucking everything out of asbestos. The plant I work in is just full of the stuff, as is my attic and my basement, so I'm hoping the beetus gets me first. I agree the lead remediation is ridiculous. We almost used a contractor to install our replacement windows until we found out what the lead bullshit would cost us and how simple installing vinyl windows is.
  15. You got a normally closed switch. You need a normally open one.
  16. I'm sorry, that's incorrect but thanks for playing!! Many homes built in the late 1930s through the 1990s have popcorn ceilings or some type of texture applied to the ceilings. This was before the government discovered that asbestos was a bad thing. According to the EPA, the use of asbestos in textured ceiling paint was banned in 1977. Source: https://www.thebalance.com/should-you-buy-a-home-with-popcorn-ceilings-1798259
  17. Not planning on a ceiling fan. Turns out My wife is quite clever. She used a magnet on some tap on the end of a pole to locate the nails they used to put up the lath boards and marked them with a sharpie. Betting she'll be putting firring strips up by the time I get home.
  18. Ripping the ceiling down isn't an option, it's the only thing keeping the blown in insulation, also likely asbestos, in the attic.
  19. Can you shoot me pics of the plugs on this and maybe get a measurement between the mounting holes?
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