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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. How did you know my family is from west Virginia? I don't actully know any of them so bombs away.
  2. Eh, no big deal, nothing is going to change in north Korea, its people will still be starving, naked masses relegated to either suffering a slow and tortuous death in the concentration camps and salt mines or an equally slow death pledging fealty to a man they revere as a god while they barely scratch out a living as a dirt farmer. The 1% of the population that lives above abject poverty will continue to live in fear of a bat shit crazy dictator that has people abducted, tortured, imprisoned and killed regularly. We should just bomb that entire miserable shitty fucked up country off the map for good and put ts people out of their misery.
  3. Journeyman machinist here, if you start that company let me know.
  4. I am become snopes, destroyer of threads.
  5. Say what you want, my pt-111 millennium pro has never failed me. I've had at least a thousand rds through it without any failures.
  6. Do your research. http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/freedom.asp Even the NRA says this is bullshit.
  7. There is just a ton more gear out there for glock. I carry my Taurus in a holster designed for an hk usp becuase nobody makes shit for Taurus compared to.glock and from what I understand they aren't junk. Fairly acurate, super reliable and pretty tough pistol.
  8. Fin is even a bit of a drive. There are a ton of gun shops around my area, just need to call around and find the best deal.
  9. Blew part of my beeg fat overtime check on tires for the winter beater, gotta wait till after Xmas now.
  10. Give these guys a listen. http://m.myspace.com/home.wap?bfd=webnext&isredirected=true#friends.list/profile/2070868 Prog-metal jazz fusion math-core...whatever that means...very talented guys.
  11. Well the shop up the road has a 26 for $489 (gen 2) or they have a gen 4 27 for over $600. As much as I love .40 (I have a cz .40 B) I don't want to pay the extra money for it or pay to feed it.
  12. Well winter is upon us and I need to buy another gun. Can't decide between a new carry pistol (glock 26), a Henry rifle in .22 mag, or starting another AR build. I.already have a modest collection of semi auto pistols, but I've been using my Taurus pt-111 millennium pro as my primary carry for 2 years and want something new and smaller. I don't own any lever action rifles or anything in .22 mag but Cmon, its a Henry. I already have a bad-ass M-forgery that I rarely shoot but I kinda really wanna do an old school A-1 build....just because. Yes I am locked into one of these 3 guns, just need to decide which.
  13. Looks fun. Been a long long time since I've played in the dirt. Once my Sohc4 Honda build is complete I can hang out in the garage and kick that.
  14. Do what I do when I'm bored at work late at night, go in the women's restroom and rub out some knuckle children.
  15. The thunder, oh the thunder.

  16. I bet the bike is more fun to ride and makes less noise. I'd hit it just for the opportunity to give her my favorite finishing move "the fish eye"...then I'd ride the everloving shit out of that bike before auctioning it off on eBay for twice its value (her celebrity has got to be worth at least $45k...) Then I would try to nail Hannah Montana for a fucking moped and call it a day.
  17. Someone always has to gay up the discussion.....
  18. Wow, what a whiney twat. She should try working at some of the factories I worked at before hopping aboard the aerospace industry gravy train.
  19. I used to do it all the time to remove cups pressed into a blind bore. Gotta either be Damn good with a mig or use a tig or gas torches.
  20. I'm at work too, so I will also need entertained.
  21. Run a bead of weld around the inside of the cup, when it cools it will contract the race and it will fall out.
  22. The dogs will be eaten long before we run out of horses to rape.
  23. Join me mi friends! Together we will pillage the towns, rape the horses and ride off on the women!
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