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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. A friend of mine used to rent a bungalow in north hill area of Akron. It was haunted as Fuck, especially the basement, which contained the only bathroom in the place. After dark we would piss in our empty beer cans for fear of going down there. My buddy eventually put a baby monitor in the basement so we could listen to his ghost. One night I was over and we were watching the movie boondock saints for the first time. The sounds of muffled voices and general clunking and bumping grew louder from the monitor, and I yelled ” would you shut the Fuck up so we can watch the movie?” The movie freezes. Nobody hit pause,the DVD player froze up and had to be turned off and back on. There want one mark, scratch or smudge on the disk. Other strange things: a set of footprints in the snow below his kitchen window with no prints leading to or from them. Beer bottles flying several feet to smash into brick walls, other electronic devices randomly operating....my buddy moved out after a few months.
  2. http://www.forbes.com/sites/johngaudiosi/2012/01/16/obama-says-so-long-sopa-killing-controversial-internet-piracy-legislation/ Discuss
  3. Red wings 2406. Accept no substitutions.
  4. Idiotic action needs to result in death to qualify for darwin award...why is it that so many people forget that?
  5. People are fucking idiots.everyone forgets how to drive every winter. Modern safety restraints thwart Darwins attempt at removing them from the gene pool. I passed a car on the way home that spun off the road into someones yard. I know how to drive in the snow, not too fast but not too slow.
  6. Just do what everyone else does, wait till it snows a shit ton and ride wherever you want.
  7. Just reminded me I haven't cleaned my Beretta or my cz since shot like over a month ago...typically I spend 20 minutes per pistol. I highly recommend kano kroil for gun cleaning, its the shit.
  8. Buy a ton of cheap game loads and make west Virginia slugs out.of em. Look it up on YouTube if you don't know what one is.
  9. Also much more spendy. I like yeungling, its at least got some flavor and color to it and its a reasonable price. Although in a pinch you can't beat steel reserve 211 for buzz:money ratio...if you don't mind the hangover:buzz ratio.
  10. Fuck anheuser busch, they are trying to destroy every other brewer in America. I will never drink their cheap foreign owned piss. Yeungling all the way.
  11. Fill a garbage can up with water and drop the cage in. Quietest solution I can come up with..
  12. Don Hume owb loop holster for my pt111, pocket holster in back pocket for TCP.
  13. Harley version only fits colt single action army, because Harley guys are cowboys...or Indians....hard to tell sometimes....fringe, dreamcatchers, leather vests...???
  14. I agree with this. Our anthem is part of our heritage and shouldn't be bastardized by some Dick for the sake of artistic freedom. We sing our anthem to honor those who have sacrificed everything in the name of this country and to celebrate the very existance of it. If its ok to disgrace our anthem, should we then go ahead and print funny hats on the heads of state that adorn our money? Re-write the declaration of independence in lolkatz speak? I am all for the first amendment, I'll fight for someone else's right to say something I don't agree with, but you have to draw the line somewhere.
  15. Just like people on Craigslist wanting $1,000 more than their bike is worth. People.don't understand that a used gun is not as valuable as a new one. It's like anything else, as soon as you buy it, its worth less than it was in the case, with the exception of very few items over a very long.period of time. These morons must be holding out for someone who isn't allowed to buy a gun legally and has no choice.
  16. This doesn't say anything about what liquor to Chase with what beer.....horseshit!
  17. As far as putting holes in the paper as fast and acurately as possible, I'm better with my CZ 40B than I am with my beretta 92 and my Taurus pt111 pro. A .40 in a heavier pistol will sometimes give you a quicker sight reset. A lot of it is in your training, if you train yourself to let the sights fall back onto the Target instead of trying to move them onto it you will be more accurate. I have the most experience with my CZ.
  18. This. I already have a Czech boat anchor in .40
  19. Lmao. In the future, go to monoprice.com for all your cable needs. 6' hdmi inside wall cables are like $4 there, longer lengths are cheap as Hell too.
  20. Overpriced for what it is and where its built, Croatia doesn't exactly have a rich history of arms manufacturing. Design is needlessly over complicated with loaded chamber indicator and grip safety, they are just doo-dads to make it a "function packed" weapon, more for marketing than anything else. Comes with crappy holster and useless, akwardly designed mag holder, again more for the "but wait, there's more!" Marketing.factor. I'm not being defensive, just voicing my "wrong opinion". I've shot the xd and it is a decent pistol, I won't deny that. It goes bang. I just don't think its better than a glock. Sorry for the thread jack, that CZ is a nice weapon, if I were pistol shopping I would buy it in a heartbeat, the price is definitely right.
  21. Got me a bottle of redbreast 12 yr and some black and tans, me and the ole.lady are staying in and getting sloppy.
  22. You can keep your over-complicated and over-priced pistol dude. I don't even own a glock (yet) but I would buy one over an xd any day.
  23. A motorcycle guy that's never heard of CZ....wtf? CZ is a Czech manufacturing.company that's been around.forever. they used to make some of the baddest ass 2 stroke dirtbikes out there. They also manufacture rifles, pistols and shotguns. I have a CZ model 40 and its an awesome pistol, thousands of rounds down range with zero failures, and I can put 10 rds in a ragged hole at 21 feet. Think of them as the Volvo 240 of gun manufacturers, a little heavy, styled a little differently but reliable as Hell. And xd is not greater than glock, its a good.gun but the design is unnecessarily complicated; you don't need a grip safety if you use a safe-action trigger.
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