So sad when some choose to point the blame and fault of inanimate objects, it is rarely ever the fault of the individual behind or using that object. These objects have souls and intelligence, they are capable of making good choices. There are many many inanimate objects that are capable of inflicting serious injury or death. But heaven forbid the idiot using the object be at fault, that would just be too logical. I think that cars/trucks are probably the single most dangerous thing we do and encounter every single day. How many senseless lives have been snuffed out by a drunk driver or a distracted driver? How many lives have been ruined by excessive speeding or losing control? How many adults and children are in wheel chairs or will never be the same again because of a mistake that was made, or even more so a mistake that somebody else made that fucked them up? Oh but a car is actually a tool, and a means of transportation that we must all have. But I see them as an instrument of death, no matter how safe you are trying to be......there is always a dumb mother fucker out there who is out to ruin your life or your day, or your week, or your month!! Put everything into perspective and just admit that "people" and only people are responsible for their actions.......inanimate objects are not! Yes guns were made as instruments of death "plain and simple", but they are not always used that way. Matter of fact if you took every single gun owner in this country, and you were somehow able to determine what each of their guns have been used for, I will bet the farm that most have never killed a damn thing with them. But most of those owners that have killed, typically have filled their freezer up with some fur or feather bearing creature. So in closing.......guns are tools, yes they obviously are very good at dealing death, but as times have changed so have their purposes. I am glad there are those of you that oppose gun ownership and or especially those of us that have the right to carry, because I for one wouldn't want y'all to own or carry a gun anyways. See it is a win win for all, and even though we don't see eye to eye, know there are many of us that could save your sorry asses if the situation warranted it. Now......I can't wait to go shoot this weekend with my son, tear up some fucking steel plates and paper.....woohoo!!!! I guess we could read a book together, play chess, take a walk in the woods and pick flowers, take in a good movie "maybe not that", or just sit in the same room and just waste our time watching TV. That shit aint gonna happen, I'm teaching my son a life lesson and skills that he can enjoy for a very long time. We enjoy doing this together, and we enjoy doing this with like minded folks. My son will be going into the Airforce before too long, and I am a proud Papa!!!! Oh and there is allot of skill involved in shooting, so maybe some of ya are just lacking in the skill department? GOD BLESS AMERICA, GOD BLESS MY FREEDOM TO OWN FIREARMS, AND GOD BLESS MY RIGHT TO DISAGREE WITH IGNORANT PEOPLE. Oh and if you don't believe in God, I fully respect your opinion and views on that.