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Posts posted by Jester_

  1. Coming at it from the perspective of things like cars tend to depreciate even if they are sitting in a garage while you are out on the bike. 

    True, im not sure how much more it can drop at this point though lol. Most people arent looking for something with a roll bar and manual valve body transmission.

  2. I hear your doing well for the few trackdays that you've done !

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Thanks Jeff, I just try to keep up with Ryan and the others enough to see what they are doing differently and learn. This would have been my 4th track day if you count Jennings as one. 6 if you could it as 3 separate days, I have WAY too much to learn and cant wait to see what happens this year.

  3. There are a ton more that I will put in a drop box for each of you guys but here are some of the ones that I picked out. Let me know if you want anything done with any of them. Heather spent alot of time going through these and putting them in different folders for everyone.




















  4. I didnt take much video. Heather has a little over 700 pictures that she edited, but when she exported them last night she put her watermark for her photography company on them so she has to go re do about 250 of them. I made this thread and was going to start posting them when I saw that it was on some of the pictures.

  5. What was that little leg kick by Brandon all about at 5:55?  Pissed at that guy who decided to throw an arm up and pit so late?  Haha

    Haha thanks for letting me be a part of that. My legs just couldn't take it anymore, need to hit the gym harder I guess.

    That was my favorite session out of the weekend.

  6. I have alot of work to do to be able to mix it up with you guys, seems like I was consistently 1-2 seconds off your lap times. I think I was in the wrong gear through 6-9 and maybe even coming off of 10-11. It was an awesome weekend overall and will keep me completely useless for the next 2 weeks at work. I learned a TON and cant wait to take what I learned to nelson or pirc and apply it and see how they change my times there. The oil on my rear tire took my confidence away for awhile... wish I could have followed you guys around some more, just not sure my legs could have taken it.


    I will dump the pictures for each of you guys into a drop box or something. She has a ton to go though so it might be a week or two.

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