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Posts posted by SCQTT

  1. Just like Fight Club a good road is not something you share on a public forum.

    Too many riders will mess it up. It will get too much attention, the police will start patrolling it more.

    Good riders, once they have proven themselves, can be brought into the fold once they have been deemed worthy.

    I am going to get flamed by the squids & the squids that think they are beyond a squidly existence that will say they need to ride roads like this to gain experience. I say bullshit.

    Loose lips kill great roads.

  2. "Can't we just hate Obama because he's incompetent" = "I disagree with his politics". If you live for a democrat agenda then he's doing just fine.

    When the next republican president takes office the dems will all say he's incompetent when they really mean they don't agree with his politics, and those with a republican agenda will say he's doing just fine.

    Ah, the ebb and flow of the two-party system. The ying and yang, always in balance. We hate them, they hate us, always at odds, never willing to compromise. We're all just krill in the vast ocean of US politics and the government is a hungry whale.

    Yes, I suppose you could look at it that way. I could agree with you and perhaps have that attitude if we always came back to the center. We do not. It is a slow slide to the left that has seemed to gain momentum. My 100% Republican vote 100% of the time just offsets that slide a tiny amount......it slows the process.

    Socialism......oh we'll call it something more palatable, like being progressive, is a certainty, I'm just trying to hold it off for a while.

    It is not the one thing.....it is the dismal tide.

    The current Republicans are what the Democrats used to be 50 years ago. The current Democrats would be considered Socialists in the 1950's.

  3. We've lost some good guys.

    I've know the Brintlinger boys since the mid 80's as well. Always had a smile on their face & a great story to tell.

    I can hear Dave's laughter in my head like he is standing right next to me.

    Tyler was a great kid, he had a very bright future. He had been around flat track racing his whole life and knew all the players. He would have been one of those that went on to work in the front office of Dorna or NASCAR. He grew up with his dad and uncle "running" the races, it was in his blood.

    I can't imagine what Darrell is going through, my thoughts and prayers are with him and the rest of the Brintlinger family.

    Godspeed friends.

  4. After a short, but stupid, fight with the postmaster of my "mailing address town" I took a chainsaw and cut mine off at the ground. I then went and got a PO BOX at a much closer, and friendlier, post office.

    I'm the customer & they will not listen......Situation fixed.

  5. My oldest living relative is my mom.

    I live alone, no....wife, kids, or pets.

    I would rather eat fruit or pizza rather than anything else.

    I use to be a very serious runner.

    I started riding exactly 30 years ago.

    I have had 40+ motorcycles.

    I spent 10 years traveling to Asia for work.

    I lead a plebian life, my only luxury is my toys.

    Not so certain I like myself.

    I am a dirt poor, staunch Republican when it comes to economics and The Constitution, but really do not care about the balance between social issues and politics, in my opinion they are unrelated.

  6. since the victims were on a bike they were being irresponsible as well.

    It is very sad, but the general public simply feels this way.....Many times even law enforcement has this attitude and the media certainly has it. The way these accidents are officially reported by LEOs and portrayed in the news is often very biased.

  7. I have some Chinese made Redwings that were almost $300! I got in a spot where I needed to buy something & it needed to be waterproof. I wanted brand name Gore-tex, but I got their brand of WP mebrane because that is what they had. I expected a better slectection at an actual RedWing store.

    So far so good, but I only wear them working on my place and maybe have only 500 hours on them in two years. No leaks.

    I'm a little hard to fit, wide and a full volume 13.

    I am going to give Danner a try next time.

  8. Lots of motorcycle stuff to do in Ohio over the next few weeks.




    A few of the Iron Pony crew will be working the Suzuki booth at the Clevleland IMS show


    If your travels take you anywhere near Iron Pony you should stop by the store. If you love motorcycles this is the place for you. We have a little of everything you can imagine, and a lot of stuff you never thought of.

    Iron Pony is on Westerville Rd. (Rt.3) @ Rt 161. We are two minutes at most from the I270/Rt 161 interchange on the northeast side of Columbus.

    Iron Pony is open 7 days a week year round. Stop by, hang out for a bit. I promise it really is a cool place.


  9. I'll be up there. I have never done the Cleveland IMS show, but been to all the others. Pretty hard to beat Long Beach. It is as much of a industry event as a consumer event. Lots of special behind the scenes stuff going on there. I have been to INTERMOT in Munich a few times too, in comparison we do not even have a motorcycle show.

  10. Yikes! Not too far from my house. If it was a Barrett 50 cal. he could have gotten me.

    The modern muzzleloaders have a bit more grunt behind them compared to shotgun slugs I guess.

    Once you load a Muzzleloader do you have to shoot it to clear it? I have a Thompson Encore, but I have never shot it. It belonged to my dad.

    Saying she was a Yoder does nothing to identify her. If you are Amish there is a 95% chance your name is Yoder or Weaver.

    Mt. Vernon Nazarene College, commonly refered to as Yoder Dame.

  11. Fill it 1/3 full with super hot water, some detergent and a handfull of new nuts and bolts. Shake the hell out of it for a half hour or so. Dump. Rinse.

    Fill it full of a 50/50 solution of hot water & bleach. Let it sit overnight. Dump. Rinse. Rinse again.

    Come up with a funny name for it and print it out and tape it on.......Mind Extinguisher or something.......Have fun!

  12. Been a member of ADV since 2005. Been riding That style bike since 1989.

    Check out this....... http://advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=352629&highlight=ruckus+korea it is about a Korean kid who came here and rode a 50cc Honda Rukus around America. ADV is not about the kind of bike, it is a state of mind.

    Next year I plan to ride my Trail 90 the 40 miles into work one day. Staying out of soccer moms way will be a real adventure on a bike that tops out at 40mph.

    Also look at stuff StrikingViking has done.

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