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Everything posted by ama146

  1. Video from race 1 600sbk, race 2 coming tonight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTyqn-_Dfno&list=UUkc7syVtI-glC6u-gom0IUw&index=1
  2. I'll be racing sunday with a gopro, I have no issues sending you the footage. I have an extra mount on my bike if you have am extra I can throw on for 2 angles
  3. I had an awesome time, tons of places to watch with great views as well. The only thing that really pissed me off was how expensive everything was. There is No reason food and drinks should be $10+, I mean beer was $11 for a standard sized cup. Indy had beer for like $6. That to me is just them taking advantage of people. Plus I feel they would get more sales if it were cheaper. I know I held out on buying alot of stuff due to price and I am sure many many others did as well.
  4. So what's the official expert list this year? I see TRMN8TR got bumped up according to his sig. Did Hollywood get bumped as well? Anyone else?
  5. i stand by my hating of nelson. always have hated it
  6. Yeah the artist said the shoulder is the perfect spot for it so I went with it and am glad I did!
  7. thanks! he also said any touchups that are needed are done for free by him this was done by Rob Ruckus at 252 Tattoo in cleveland
  8. hey guys, it's done! took about 3.5 hours. thanks again for all your help fellas!
  9. oh well i was looking through my previous orders on the motoseries page and it said I was paying $125 for a nelson trackday. but it might have been in 2011 now that i think of it.
  10. but in all honesty that's a $40 increase. i hope they did something, otherwise us paying that much more for nothing is not cool.
  11. not according to last race. people are getting all excited but lorenzo won by a good margin last round. and there are still 16 rounds to go.
  12. since when was a nelson trackday $165??? also, do you get a discount on the friday trackday and race sunday like you do with the saturday trackday/race discount?
  13. I don't think he needs to work on his starts. Don't you remember when he started in the back last year and passed half the grid if not more before turn 1?
  14. I am not a fan of leg tattoos honestly. And I am getting it done at 252 tattoo by Rob Ruckus. His portfolio kicks ass and he has done a motorcycle before. Plus he can get me in this Tuesday at 3pm! So how do you guys pass the time during the long session?
  15. when you say 5 mil, are you referring to 5 millimeters?
  16. has there been a single post in this thread actually related to motorcycles? lol
  17. the artist brought up the point that when i am standing normal, my shoulder blade sticks out and might warp the tattoo making it not look right. plus on my stomach i can then see it too instead of looking in the mirror or pictures haha.
  18. So I've been thinking a better place for this tattoo might be my stomach. The left of belly button area and get it about the size of q piece of paper. The only thing holding me back is I heard is it very painful on the stomach, is that true?
  19. Ok went in to empire ink today, the soonest versago has an opening is late in May. I also stopped in also to arkham tattoo and he can get me in on may 11th. He charges 120 an hour while versago charges 100 an hour. Check out Eric starr at arkham tattoo, I am curious of your opinions. The choice now is who I want to do it and honestly I feel like versagos portfolio is more impressive. http://arkhamtattoo.com/artists/eric-starr/
  20. turn 1 here as well! seemed like the best seats
  21. I'm going to the Austin race, and after last week's race I am sooo pumped!
  22. Yeah this is a tough decision. I am going with the back for sure, just don't know whether to do shoulder blade or lower back left of the spine. And now color or black and grey. Decisions decisions....!
  23. Sounds good. Thanks so much for all your help. I am going to swing by this weekend and talk to them about the design. But I have one last decision to make and that is whether to go black and grey or color with it. Do you have any opinions with your experiences?
  24. so one last question, what are your guys' thoughts on the 3 spots i narrowed it down to. chest/peck area, shoulder blade area, lower back/side area. that leaves a small, medium, and large spot for it as well. not sure which location works the best. thought?
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