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Everything posted by ama146

  1. Yeah for sure. Start a game, I'll keep an eye on this thread so just let me know when you create it and I will try joining.
  2. I would but it is all gibberish. I have it set to: Throttle: Right trigger Brake: Left trigger Turn: Left analog stick Rear brake: A button Look back: Y button Change view: Right bumper Reset (used FREQUENTLY lol): Back button I also use the "Lean" Deadzone at 20 to compensate for the analog stick wiggle as well as I turned on "Smooth" and set each of those values to 50. That helps alot with the slow speed instability. That is about all I use. I use auto shift and auto clutch and all those handicaps because it is hard enough as it is.
  3. Exactly. I have been playing for about 2 hours now and can consistently get around the track on the 125. Managed a 1:49.39 as well as my best so far.
  4. Not really sure since I am using an Xbox controller. But make sure you calibrate the controller as well in the setting. I would also recommend raising the dead zone to reduce sensitivity since the sticks aren't 100% true and straight. But other than that I am still toying with everything. There is so much to mess with it is unreal. I was riding the 125cc and was doing alright, but when I tried the 990cc the thing is uncontrollable. Maybe I just suck at the game but man it is difficult!
  5. Get it downloaded! It will take a good day of practice before any of us are at all competent in the game
  6. I just discovered this game last night and was playing the demo using a wired Xbox 360 controller and it is fun as hell. It is very difficult at first but once you get used to the physics it gets much more fun! Maybe we could get a Ohio Riders racing league going? http://www.gp-bikes.com/?page=about
  7. I'm not a fan of 2 wave starts because I they sometimes cause me to think 1 wave starts are 2 wave leaving me on the grid getting passed my everyone when I have my hand raised with everyone else in gear ready to go. I am never gonna live that down it embarrassed the shit out of me lol
  8. My thoughts exactly Brandon, but I emailed him before and never heard back. Not really expecting him to change his final standings now. Oh well. And true, it is just a trophy. But you only get one first season of racing and it meant alot to me. Don't take my comments as me bitching because I'm not. I am truly happy for you guys that did finish top 3. I consider all of you my friends after this season.
  9. Kind of shitty when he canceled the last round which I was relying on to get 6 rounds. But congrats to Ryan and Matt and Brandon on getting top 3.
  10. do it on their own? i thought you had to be bumped up by todd. didnt know you could just choose what class you want to race in
  11. What determines who gets bumped up to expert anyway? Does whoever win novice move up and thats it?
  12. This is all a scheme from Todd so he doesn't have to give a discount to anyone next year!
  13. Makes sense unfortunately. Guess I can't really complain, I'm happy with 2nd still. But you know what they say about 2nd place: it's the first lower! Hahaha
  14. So there is no class champion then? That seems kind of silly
  15. In the rulebook it says you must score points in 6 out of 10 events to qualify for a podium position. And when I talked to Todd about it a few weeks ago he said 5 or 6 rounds were needed depending on if Grattan was canceled. So I assume it is 5 rounds needed to qualify since Grattan is canceled and Taft has 4 rounds.
  16. So Grattan is canceled... Does that make me points leader since Taft has only done 4 events?
  17. It takes longer than you think for your water to freeze. I wouldn't worry about it unless you are taking 24+ hours in freezing temperatures.
  18. Agnostic in my opinion means you believe in god. A lot of people I know who are agnostic are that way because "just in case". If you refuse to not believe in god because you fear what might happen if you don't, then you believe in god.
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