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Everything posted by ama146

  1. what kind of times are you running? i might like a tow as well
  2. If I get my bike back together by then I hopefully go if I can get off work.
  3. I'm 5'10 and 150lbs and do no type of workout at all and get tired after 20 minutes of hard riding. Very tired in fact. It sucks. Especially with trackdays and races being so damn far apart so I can't rely on that to keep me in shape.
  4. I'm almost glad I crashed out saturday and missed out racing sunday. I feel like i would have been involved a worse crash sunday lol
  5. The bridgestone guy (don't remember his name) said he would run it how it is and said it was fine. He obviously isn't a race director, but ill ask Todd anyway. Ill take some closer pics and email him
  6. I'm good, not a scratch or bruise on me. Good gear pays off. And the tank still holds fuel so I was just going to keep it on there for now Jeff. And if I replace the broken fairing, I will surely get sharkskinz again. Very good quality
  7. Will that work on fiberglass? I have sharkskinz which is fiberglass, not plastic. and a new upper fairing (what i need) will run me $350, not all THAT much but I want to save as much as I possibly can because I am only a poor college student
  8. That is all the way in Columbus. I would like to find a place close to me if possible
  9. I'm afraid to show you Jeff, you are gonna hate me! but here is a video my dad took and a picture at the end http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyNInM2H7l4
  10. I lowsided yesterday at nelson and was wondering if anyone knows of any good fiberglass repair places? It would save me a ton of money over buying a new set of upper fairings. I am near the Fairlawn area, so the closer the better!
  11. for sunday do we need to be there by a certain time? im doing sbk 1 and 2 which doesnt start until 11AM, so can i just arrive around that time or do i need to be there the same time as a trackday?
  12. yeah it looks like ill just end up doing something like that, or use POR15.
  13. i just bought a new truck (used) and the body is in awesome shape, but the frame has rust on it. i would like to stop the rust asap so it doesnt get worse because i plan on keeping this truck for a long time. so would it be best to leave it as-is, take it to a oil spray place and just let them go at it? or would it be better to scrape the rust off, paint it, THEN get it undercoated with the oil? i want to do the least amount of work because i simply dont have that much free time, and the little free time i do have i dont want to spend it working even more. also, any idea how much it would cost to take my truck to a paint shop and have them prep and coat the frame with a heavy duty rust paint?
  14. that was captivating. made me feel like i was there! and also made me even more nervous hahaha
  15. just signed up for saturday and 600 sbk 1 & 2. my first race and im already nervous lol
  16. Has anyone ever put a single diaper pin through both pinch bolts? Seems like that would hold them nicely.
  17. no shit... wow i wish i knew that before! and now i made an ass of myself
  18. I had an extended cab on my old truck and never really used it. plus that is just more weight i have to waste gas on and a longer wheelbase which will make it a bitch to park (i park in a parking garage every day at UA). but i put a downpayment on the dodge! looks like im buying it!
  19. I think you're missing a pinch bolt or two lol. But thanks for the pics guys, once I get my safety wire pliers ill see what I can do!
  20. Alright guys thanks, I know what I need to do. I will just drill it and do it right and not be a lazy POS lol.
  21. I just found this truck, looks to be in awesome shape and low miles. any opinions? http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?zip=44333&endYear=2013&listingType=used&maxPrice=9000&modelCode1=DAKOTA&makeCode2=FORD&modelCode2=RANGER&sortBy=derivedpriceASC&showcaseOwnerId=75125&makeCode1=DODGE&modelCode3=S10PICKUP&startYear=1981&bodyStyles=TRUCKS&firstRecord=76&makeCode3=CHEV&searchRadius=75&listingId=318247567&Log=0
  22. Is there a way to do it without drilling? I will drill if I have to, but if it can be avoided I would certainly prefer to not drill.
  23. Is there a "right" way to do this? I know MotoSeries requires them to be safety wired so I want to make sure I do it the right way before the next event. Pics of your pins wired would help a ton!
  24. sounds like an excellent deal to me. but let me know if you'd want to part out that transponder
  25. ill be there saturday advanced and sunday for sbk1 and probably sbk 2
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