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Posts posted by just_some_dude

  1. Not easy to find! I see a lot more 1125R's before I do the 1125CR. A lot of dealers don't even know the difference. They'll send you a link for an 1125R if your ad is for an 1125CR. There really isn't huge difference, but it is enough for some people.


    Obviously, just keep checking out Craigslist, but I would search Google. Type in 'Buell 1125CR For Sale Ohio'. That is how I found mine (2 hours away).

  2. The idea of open carry and conceal carry are unconstitutional laws anyway. It is called an individual right, not the greater good right. A person has the right to protest, a person can bear arms however the f they want to. If a private company has an issue with this they have a right to refuse to participate. If an individual has an issue with a person concealling or open carrying, that is just your opinion and holds no ground for 'law'. Having uncontitutional laws changed to be more or less unconstitutional doesn't make them constitutional. When we start figuring that the laws already created are unconstitutional, then maybe we have a place to start.


    The constitution is there to protect individuals, not the greater good. Don't get caught up in all this 'ahh man, you're going to piss people off and they are going to make more bad laws'. Rather if this is your opinion, then, 'all the current laws are bs, if anything let's not piss off private companies'.


    Still, the individuals have the right to protest (or not), you have the right to call them dumb (or not).

    • Upvote 1
  3. Did you ever feel like you were going to drop your bike :)? In the beginning courses you use their bikes unless you have a good reason to use your bike. I saw people drop their bike a few times in the beginner course. I imagine nobody wants to drop their bike in the advanced...

  4. Yeah, it was the other person's insurance company. Accident wasn't my fault. I don't know their policy, but if I have the documentation of what I signed I'll read it over again. They were pretty clear when the told me on the phone multiple times that if I wanted money for the gear it had to be surrendered to be destroyed. I called the adjuster again today about it to ask him why my destroyed gear was being resold. He kind of jumped all over that (or at least acted that way).


    What I planned on doing after I received the gear was call the insurance company (claims adjuster) and call him out on it. I was hoping that I'd have better proof than just the video. I have seen some of the video, but have not listened to the audio yet. I'll know more later.

  5. Of course there is personal gain here, but I specifically knew what was wrong with the gear. I knew that it was involved in an accident, I knew what could be fixed and what could not/should not. She wanted to lie about it. I just wanted her to feel like a low life for trying to screw people over. That is why I offered her $40. Kind of like a 'Hey, FU'. She may not care, but I feel a little better about it. She knew what she was doing. She can't play stupid.


    She took down the ads, I am going to post the video of her online. Good enough for me. If I got the gear, good, if not, oh well. I ultimately got what I wanted.

  6. In short, here is what I was able to get...


    I gave the gear to the Geico claims adjuster at an auto dealership. The claims adjuster stated he gave it to the supervisor (Kim). The person reselling the gear stated that her husband works at the dealership and knows about a large bin of salvaged gear that is to be destroyed. She stated on his behalf that Kim gave (or sold) him the gear. Kim's last day is supposedly today, or something along those lines.


    I was able to get this information through a police officer who came to the scene to investigate as well. This is the information he shared with me. I have video of everything.


    I offered the lady $40 for my gear to make sure that nobody else gets hurt by it. She went in and called her husband and said no. I told her that is fine I am going to move forward with investigating this further, she told me to hold on for a second to speak with her husband again, she came out and said no. She didn't seem to care (at least visually).


    I don't know, I wasn't exactly wanting to do this, but I did have massive curiosity. Also, I'm a little pissed off they are selling gear that was clearly involved in an accident that is said to be destroyed. I reported that the helmet had damage. The air bag jacket can be reused. It actually was in fine shape other than the co2 cartridge and lanyard needing to be replaced. If she would have been honest and said, 'this gear was involved in an accident', I wouldn't have been so out to get them and have this feeling of personal responsibility. I don't know, having a hard time with it.


    I'll post a video soon when I have time to watch it and edit it, but it is not going to look good on Geico if their reselling damaged gear that is supposed to be destroyed.


    The jacket and helmet (new) are worth about $1100. They were wanting to sell them both for $150. I said on the phone I'd give her $100. I just didn't want to feed their gain knowing they were lying to me. I did want them to feel like crap. Maybe didn't work, but they might not be happy when their faces pop up on YouTube telling lies to potential riders (who could be injured) for their own profit.

  7. That is definitely my suspicion. That they are making a few bucks on the side selling gear illegally (possibly?).

    And really I don't care, they own it at that point. Can they resell just the gear, like helmets, etc. My problem is when I ask, why are you selling the gear, they don't say, because it was salvaged gear, or, in a wreck, they say, my son sold his motorcycle.

  8. Didn't see anything posted about this, so...



    ... militias all across the region need to mobilize in the Bunkerville area, walk down together to the FED's encampment and DEMAND that they leave the area immediately.


    “The U.S. government is rounding up Bundy’s cattle that it says have been grazing illegally on public lands in Clark County for more than 20 years, according to the land-management bureau and the National Park Service,” CNN reports today.


    “No warning at all, and I was not being aggressive physically in any way,” said Schillig, adding that he was detained for 2 hours before being charged with interfering with an agency function and disorderly conduct and violent behavior.


    The incident followed a confrontation between protesters and BLM officials the day before during which Bureau of Land Management agents assaulted a cancer victim, set a dog on a pregnant woman and tasered Ammon Bundy.



    • Upvote 1
  9. Do yourself a favor and pull the license plate light and the two, 5 watt bulbs next to the headlight.  It saves something like 1.1 amps, which actually makes a difference when the relay shuts off 1 phase of the stator.


    Yeah, I need to do a bit more research in the whole stator process. I knew it was a issue, but didn't know exactly what was up. I noticed some people were replacing the rotor. To my brief understanding so far the stator is getting too hot? Machining holes in the rotor seemed to fix that issue?


    I am still looking into it.

  10. Why did he put the luggage up front?


    ... I ... can't .... stop ... myself.....


    Uhh, well, we needed to move the luggage to the front so your mom could have room to hang over the side while riding on the back (she's a little on the big side). ;) Good thing I have all these extra horses to carry her around. She's happy, but you know, use 'em and lose 'em.

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