Sanding and polishing (by hand) worked well when I tried on a Mazda. May depend on the housing plastic. You must use a UV protectant wax, and keep them waxed frequently afterward. Took about 2 hours of elbow grease.
$80 is pretty reasonable however for someone else to do it. Over $100 I'd do it myself again.
Really he made another movie like Snatch? Or is it like Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels? Or is it like Rock'n'Rolla? Oh wait those are all the same movie nevermind.
Look at what's going on in Seattle in the new Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. You'll have to dig a bit because the mainstream media doesn't seem to be aware of it yet.
Approximately that many were always going to die no matter what we did. Only extra deaths that could have happened were if hospitals became overrun. They did not.
Murder 2 in Minnesota might be hard to prove. I think the jury can knock down to Murder 3 or manslaughter however. A lot (most? all?) of the idiot protestors are saying should be Murder 1 which is ridiculous.
Might not even convict on manslaughter as the the kneeling on neck chokehold was in their training. And Floyd was already having a medical issue and had collapsed twice already before Chauvin was on scene. Plus the autopsy showed meth and fentanyl in his system, a large amount of fentanyl.
Not that anything matters to the mob at this point.
Why I mentioned to look at hospitalization numbers in a few weeks. Testing stats don't matter unless there is thorough and ubiquitous testing going on.
And then there is this asinine tweet (and others, this is not the only one):
That implies systemic racism killed more than 100,000 people in the last 6 months.
Is Coronavirus even a thing anymore?
If there is not a spike in hospitalizations in 3-4 weeks I'd say it has burned out already.
Update on hydroxychloroquine:
Trump's gonna Trump. And apparently many physicians and hospitals do not care about the NIH position as they're still using HCQ.
My complaint was with the media willfully ignoring support for the use of it.
I agree on your points. But also see very little in the news acknowledging that there is some medical professional support for using HCQ; they're only focusing on the dismissals of it and I think that's just because of their anti-Trump bias.
BTW did anyone see this:
I've seen quite a few guidelines from hospitals for their COVID-19 care and many/most are using Hydrochloroquine (HCQ), along with zinc and vitamin-C and -D. My gist of it is that there is more medical professional support for it having a benefit than not. The common cited case to not use it is when the patient has an existing heart problem or defect as it can make that worse.
My personal opinion is media cherry-picked a VA study that said HCQ showed no benefit, just to counter Trump mentioning it. Their stance on the subject was then closed.
The first couple scared the crap out of me. They only wanted to get out of the sunlight and back into hiding though. I pulled the boards out by the very end and spread out in the yard for a while before moving them again.
My parents had a bunch of old lumber stored underneath their deck. Pulling it out I disturbed a large colony of those things. They're really, really fast.
They're sort of as complex as you want to dive into. There are some inexpensive ones that will work great out of the box. There are others that are inexpensive and with some tuning and modification will work even more amazing. Of course there are expensive and work amazing options as well.
$150 from Staples that seems to work fine. Same model my work bought for my station there. I have not had any trouble with it for 3 years at work so when I needed one for at home bought the same thing.