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Posts posted by Furloaf

  1. Sanding and polishing (by hand) worked well when I tried on a Mazda. May depend on the housing plastic. You must use a UV protectant wax, and keep them waxed frequently afterward. Took about 2 hours of elbow grease.


    $80 is pretty reasonable however for someone else to do it. Over $100 I'd do it myself again.

  2. wanna know the stupidest thing i've heard in my whole life?


    It's a bunch of grown ass men calling "dismantling" or "de-funding" the police "stupid" because they think lawlessness will instantly set in, as if these organizations didn't have continuity, transition, and coverage plans for just this situation. Like all of a sudden all the police and prison guards are just going to turn the lights off, lock up, and go home. :dumb:


    There isn't even an agreed definition of what de-fund means right now, so cool your panties, it's not going to suddenly become Beyond the Thunderdome just because people want to take away the money the cops use to buy tanks. Even if they don't call them police officers, I can guarantee you if you call 911 someone will still show up, to do that job.




    I dunno, based on the chatter out of the conservative media - someone is buying that bullshit line. I mean tucker carlson isn't screaming about it to an empty room.


    Look at what's going on in Seattle in the new Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. You'll have to dig a bit because the mainstream media doesn't seem to be aware of it yet.

  3. We overreacted and yet 114,000 dead with another 1100 dead today and probably about the same number dead every day through the summer, at a minimum.


    Imagine if we had under reacted. Yikes!


    Approximately that many were always going to die no matter what we did. Only extra deaths that could have happened were if hospitals became overrun. They did not.

  4. I don't think these guys will be getting acquitted.


    I'm sure many here like me remember the case of Rodney King. The difference is back then they waited until after the trial to protest and riot.


    Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk


    Murder 2 in Minnesota might be hard to prove. I think the jury can knock down to Murder 3 or manslaughter however. A lot (most? all?) of the idiot protestors are saying should be Murder 1 which is ridiculous.


    Might not even convict on manslaughter as the the kneeling on neck chokehold was in their training. And Floyd was already having a medical issue and had collapsed twice already before Chauvin was on scene. Plus the autopsy showed meth and fentanyl in his system, a large amount of fentanyl.


    Not that anything matters to the mob at this point.

  5. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/04/elon-musk-calls-for-amazon-split-after-alex-berenson-claims-censorship.html


    Just interesting.


    Additionally my hunch is there will be no significant increase in covid cases from all of the protesting, beyond the established SI modeling rates. The increase if reported likely will be again due to testing increases. Is anyone concerned that Fauci softly back tracked his "second wave" comments thesis? He is playing the fence quite a bit now, maybe as he realizes the information he was sourced to help craft decisions was very poor? I do not know but it seems something to this effect.


    Why I mentioned to look at hospitalization numbers in a few weeks. Testing stats don't matter unless there is thorough and ubiquitous testing going on.


    And then there is this asinine tweet (and others, this is not the only one):

    That implies systemic racism killed more than 100,000 people in the last 6 months.

  6. I disagree. Everyone in this thread seems to be aware of the limited medical professional support for it. Where do you think we're learning about that?


    The media is reporting on it. That's how we know about it.


    At the end of the day, though, the NIH says:




    Seems pretty clear to me. Why does Trump feel the need to undermine those recommendations? Is it because he's such an expert on CV-19 treatment?


    Trump's gonna Trump. And apparently many physicians and hospitals do not care about the NIH position as they're still using HCQ.


    My complaint was with the media willfully ignoring support for the use of it.

  7. I mean, you're not wrong in that there is some medical support for it. There's also some medical support against it. It's inconclusive enough that the WH CV response team is not recommending it. The problem is that Trump then gets up there and says, "Well I don't care what they say, I like it." If he was your crazy Fox News uncle then that'd be fine, but it's pretty fucked up for the POTUS to contradict his own experts on a near daily basis. It sows confusion and doubt in a time where it would be really nice if everyone was listening to the experts.


    I agree on your points. But also see very little in the news acknowledging that there is some medical professional support for using HCQ; they're only focusing on the dismissals of it and I think that's just because of their anti-Trump bias.


    BTW did anyone see this:

  8. Again, Trump's own experts are not recommending it. This is not a "the media" problem. Christ, there's nothing you guys won't blame on the media. All you have to do is watch the press conferences where Trump's experts have to come up to the mic and correct the dumb shit that he says to know that he's laughable.


    Haven't seen that. I'll take a look.

  9. I've seen quite a few guidelines from hospitals for their COVID-19 care and many/most are using Hydrochloroquine (HCQ), along with zinc and vitamin-C and -D. My gist of it is that there is more medical professional support for it having a benefit than not. The common cited case to not use it is when the patient has an existing heart problem or defect as it can make that worse.


    My personal opinion is media cherry-picked a VA study that said HCQ showed no benefit, just to counter Trump mentioning it. Their stance on the subject was then closed.

  10. That's nothing.....when we were doing our remodel and pulled out the fireplace and ash pit it un-leashed hell. That one is half the size of the handful we caught over the course of a few days.


    Yes, I caught them. Being so big I wanted to catch them. Hairspray....kills them and mummifies them. I put them on my desk in my office to freak out the wife :)



    My parents had a bunch of old lumber stored underneath their deck. Pulling it out I disturbed a large colony of those things. They're really, really fast.

  11. They're sort of as complex as you want to dive into. There are some inexpensive ones that will work great out of the box. There are others that are inexpensive and with some tuning and modification will work even more amazing. Of course there are expensive and work amazing options as well.
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