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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. agreed I need oil for my quad its a Honda and the dude just kept pushing the Honda OEM shit lol and I run Suzuki oil in it and he was acting like the damn thing was gonna blow up by running the other brand, little did he know I've ran it for years in my perfect running trx..
  2. CRP on a mini bike is beasty!!

  3. ive shot a m&p and don't like them if that's what you were referring too lol
  4. I like it and it shoots good just shot my buddys and it fit my hand a lot better, first time I've shot a glock and I think I'm sold.
  5. I cant find the damn manuals for it tho......Think i lost them when i moved to my new place when i unloaded my gun cabinet.
  6. Looking to part with my .40 Comes with everything you see here, If price seems way out of line by all means let me know. Think ive had maybe 300 rounds threw it, looking to get a g26 9mm that's why its up for sale. Here is a list of all the shit that comes with it, looking to get $590. -Da gun -Has 4 10rd mags(2 of them are for the standard size so they stick out at the bottom some but work fine i just used them for the range so i didn't make a fuss when they got to my door) -Serpa holster -100rds blazer FMJ -50rds Winchester FMJ -50rds Winchester JHP -20rds Federal Hydra shok JHP -Quick mag loader and extra grip. -Safety lock If ya need better pics just let me know, feel free to pm me. Im located in Orient so i could meet in Columbus, Hilliard, or Grove city. Pics below. May trade for other things that go bang mostly looking to get is a 26 9mm. Thanks.
  7. Read reviews on shit man that's what I do.
  8. I hear this thing called Google is pretty sweet with giving you info on things......
  9. I'm in unless I gotta work, I'll be starting a new job. And I'll rock out a tent.
  10. I've shot coon hunter a lot haven't been this year tho, lot of stuff going on.
  11. I believe deer creek has a archery range.
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