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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. I was gonna say u can crash in my tent but I seen you said its sweetest day lol no spooning in my tent my good sir.
  2. worse case them rangers can kiss my ass.
  3. I'll be riding all night since I can't during the day.
  4. Sounds like that car has been threw hell lol
  5. Hmmm wonder how much the ticket is?
  6. Who cares if its shut down, if there's a shit load of people that come and ride that would be awesome I mean what they gonna do arrest and ticket 100+people.
  7. Seems like a lot of rules to just camp.
  8. I started with a crossbow it was a Horton xl then I moved to a psc spider it was a compound I had way more fun shooting that than my crossbow also way more rewarding when u take a deer with it. I think crossbows are way to easy to hunt with but that's just me. I now shoot a Mathews z7 and 3d shoot with a Mathews prestige. It can be an expensive hobbie and pashion lol.
  9. Ohhh well cell phone won't let me see anything
  10. U know I'll be down later but how late food gonna be served?
  11. Oct 19 I hear, I'm off till sat wanna this week?
  12. I'll be late but none the less there can u grab my cards Adam or Mr wooderson lol
  13. Hope some one that installs it for ya isn't in on that shit so they don't mark ya and make it easy for there homies to boost, I hate fucking people that steal you hard earned items.
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