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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. don't know what she is doing all I see is bewbs.
  2. the last vid is the only one man and its not avalible for mobile, not sure I can watch others and I know live leaks vids don't work on my phone peroid.
  3. This thread just got sweet!!! Karl not sure what I'm doing but it will be manly thing!!!! Stevie is a funny mofo aka Tyler aka Mr new sweet looking bike and I'm jelly.
  4. Problem with the bid man says not available to watch on this site and not on mobile.
  5. still waiting sir..... I gots you mane!!!!!
  6. still waiting sir.....
  7. Lost it when he said get some water hahahahah
  8. leaking oil for no damn reason out of the blue. Coming from the oil disposal bolt so hoping the washer is fucked up or something its not loose, hope the threads arnt fucked. Not sure just started to leak for no reason I was pissed when I seen it dripping, vary slow leak at that so I figure maybe its the washer. I'll find out better when I have time Friday to fuck with it.
  9. Didn't know you were out of the game? You sell ur 636.
  10. My quad is leaking oil!!!!! Damn it from the oil bolt too wtf?
  11. I think that must be why because I haven't updated anything for Google in like a month or 2
  12. Mine never changed weird, got the razzor maxx too.
  13. Lol hell I thought u fucked up joes bike already.
  14. That blurred lines song in the most retarded piece of music ever put into the human population, on a better note kings island bound...

  15. Im out now unfortunately some shit has come up I have to take care of.
  16. Fail. Why didn't you buy his bike?
  17. ello, which ninja chick or do I even need ask?
  18. Getting the scooter ready to go for this weekend don't know if im gonna stay tho.
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