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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. but I only brought 6:( good thing that store is so close u should put some off road tires on Ur Connie and get sum.
  2. Idk but when I got mine there was one left on the shelf.
  3. I also feel kinda bad that Tim was are camp bitch sat night.
  4. especially a hour away from Ur destination.
  5. Good time I'll post the pics of the wounds that were sustained.
  6. Timothy Adkins so u gonna take that Connie off roading with us tomorrow...

  7. Dying Shadow

    New To Me

    last I heard it was on blocks hahaha
  8. Also FYI got a new batterie even tho I know how much you like jumping my quad.
  9. I'll be down tomorrow in the am sir. Idk might stay the night sat if y'all do, I'll post up in my taco fort!!! U guys got buns and condiments? Trying to see watch if I need to bring and shit.
  10. met him a few times I should be ok
  11. Tim I'll text the shit out of you so ya zoo and Shaun I'll bring the burger meat how many people gonna be there??
  12. need help pitching that tent haha any who can you bring my sleeping bag so I can pick it up.
  13. How late you guys ridding too sat? Might not make it till later, family made plans that involve me with out my knowing till now for the morning. I can bring some good burger meat if ya got something to cook it on.
  14. true story I witnessed it until he left me on that damn thing:(
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