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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. Boom great day today ready for tomorrow!!!!!
  2. Beautiful down here that is all.........
  3. Going down that big ass mountain now
  4. Seen a red Vfr go bye was my kill riding alone or in a group??
  5. Fuck............shit we haven't even left Ohio.......also I hate scooters.........that is all.
  6. This is gonna be a epic adventure.........Balls deep.
  7. not raining down south of grove city lol
  8. Me also up, took a shower as in gotta do the 3 ss well there was also a lovely big ass spider that too also wanted a shower....he didn't make it:(
  9. i like ur answer way to be positive sire
  10. Karl ill be seeing you in about 8 hours!!!!!!!!
  11. who did your wifes brothers tat there name of artist? i know each of them vary, david was the most $$$ i think Jamie is maybe 100 a hour
  12. he used to work at body language, opened up his own shop earlier this year vary beastly. Only thing is 150 a hour If thats to rich for your blood then try body language off south Hamilton, hit Jamie hickey up hes the owner and has done a few of mine.
  13. http://davidboggins.com/section/186995.html
  14. 0_0 glad u posted this leaves suck....thank u sir!
  15. maybe a swim suit competition by the pool later?
  16. C that's why u wear long socks and keep a pocket knife on ya, problem solved
  17. Freedom va-k,fuck u work!!!!!!! Now to pack and shit.
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