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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. Congrats white looks good! Ooh and pics of ur rsx?
  2. I've seen it and it's alittle weird, the blonde chick is kinda hot.
  3. I know he fell like a ton of bricks haha
  4. Hahahahahahha holy shit that was funny hahaha
  5. Blew snot out my nose on the speed boat one hahaha
  6. So ur riding down? maybe me, ynot and night rider can join ya if so.
  7. Got to do it at least once to say i did, im young ill be just fine. I hope haha
  8. Haha i take it you know from experience haha
  9. Fuck the trailer! Thats what the bike is for:D. Ask me again when i get to the cabin lol might change my mind.
  10. Hahaha yea made it there as the last boat was about to leave for the night, that was fun. Then shots,shots,shots!
  11. Haha it be a hell of alot better than last year we slept outside.
  12. And a put in bay trip too.
  13. I'd still take Olivia Wilde over that.
  14. About time man, Jesus only took ya a few months hahaha.
  15. Ok shawn my bad, Geza just made a account its "ynot" haha
  16. Sweet Jesus!!!! Thanks
  17. Wait there is a new episode tonight???????
  18. I got a question for all going on said trip. Me and night rider are gonna ride down and are good buddy named Geza he is joining us, just wanna see if anyone has a spot left in a room that he can stay the night? He's willing to pay for a little corner aka floor to sleep. The cabin im in is gonna be a bit full. So just wanted to see if anyone has any room. Thanks some of ya may have ridden with him before at the dream ride but he's not on the board.
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