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Dying Shadow

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  1. Dying Shadow


    P.m. Casper he can change it.
  2. You can get red negative stars?? Damn haha. Mj seemed smart at the cpr class and i had no clue she was a dude she hides it well.
  3. 2 and a half hours away for me sorry man ill see ya at Wayne this year.
  4. Also karl if you forgot it was my bday like a week or 2 ago hint hint, id love you forever .I bet i cook better too:cool:
  5. :DWhy whould i be pissed?? lol like i said im gonna steal it from ya cough cough. I won't need insurance for it then haha. Blast my age status.
  6. If you get the 636 im not ur friend no more and ill be right over to steal it:D j/k can i at least sit on it:cry: and yea god or what ever it is says no to Honda:p
  7. This^ sorry to hear this man at least you got something to ride this season with me. I fucking hate thief's.
  8. We use a cast iron stove with a magic heater off the smoke pipe to blow the hot air out. Its usually 80°+ in are house.
  9. Place hahahahahaha not its a god of motorcycles.
  10. I can't breath that was so funny hahahahaha
  11. Hit the throttle when the light turned green didn't pay attention and dropped my clutch next thing i know i was doing a whoolie. Good thing my buddys truck was beside me to keep me going straight, put a helava nice dent in his door he was pissed and i changed my pants. Also locked my front break up and fell over in front of a Turkey hill, picked it up walked in and bought my soda and got joked on:(
  12. Ello me and Karl live in hocking pretty much when its nice out lol
  13. My dad beat me shit sucked fixed my ass for good lol
  14. This trip is going to be a hell of an adventure. I can't wait:D
  15. Im slipping the bill to some one else:D
  16. Ill just bring me a good looking chick to keep y'all busy.
  17. Rock house is cool but i went in the summer.
  18. Hahahaha holy shit i just blew water out my noise.
  19. do i need a rape whistle with me at all times at camp?haha:eek:
  20. Kids?? Today is my bday and im now officially 23 years of age.
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