Hope this helps a little. The SV has a flange between the pipe and can. If the GSXR is a slip on, you need to have a flange welded on to the can. (you can buy adapters but that's $). Another option is to cut the flange off and sleeve the connection. Once you take the pipes off the bike, you can readily see where cutting and welding a "block-off plate" to the left side makes sense. I'm sure any decent welder can handle doing that. BTW, the sharp backwards curve in the pipe from the rear cylinder doesn't look pretty but I would leave that part intact. (you'll see what I mean once you remove the exhaust.) Keep an eye open for an SV650 passenger peg to clean up the look after that left side pipe is gone. IMO, you might actually be better off selling the GSXR can, and getting one with a flange ready to go. D&D makes them for the SV also. For reference, I believe M4 makes a 2-1 exhaust (3/4 system since you reuse the front head pipe) IIRC, Yoshimura no longer does. OK, enough rambling...Good luck, can't wait to see it.